@Canadiens de Montréal

« Nous ne ferons rien pour un gain à court terme au détriment de notre plan à long terme. Si nous nous engageons trop longtemps dans un avenir proche, [free agent] « Si nous finissons par empêcher un jeune joueur de progresser, nous ne rendons pas service à ce que nous essayons d’accomplir. » – Kent Hughes aujourd’hui

« Nous ne ferons rien pour un gain à court terme au détriment de notre plan à long terme. Si nous nous engageons trop longtemps dans un avenir proche, [free agent] « Si nous finissons par empêcher un jeune joueur de progresser, nous ne rendons pas service à ce que nous essayons d’accomplir. » – Kent Hughes aujourd’hui



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  2. DannyPlox

    Love every bit of this, especially with the Slaf contract today. Yeah it makes for a boring July 1st but our team is gonna look properly structured for a long long time this way.

  3. Kharn_LoL

    Free Agency just doesn’t seem like a viable way to build a contender these days. You can keep a window open for a few years longer with it at best.

    Then again, it looks like the Preds are trying to do so this year so we’ll see how it goes.

  4. Nimbus_m00n

    This man is right up there with the best GM’s in the league. Doing it the right way, similar to prime Tampa and Chicago teams. Built from within and when they were contenders they made the big splashes.

  5. Enfin un plan quinquennal qui déraille pas a chaque année looking at you Berg

  6. I fucking love what this team is becoming. Management, staff, players, culture, vision. I’ve been bleeding 🔵⚪🔴 for 30+ years, and this is the first time I’m truly seeing a visionary management with a legitimate plan. Building from the ground up.

    Props to Molson for not continuing the trend of forcing the team to be a playoff contender with old boy, knee jerk managers and band aid fixes.

    He stepped back and put the right people in charge. I’m cynical and a bit jaded after so many years of mediocrity and the status quo, but even I can see the future is indeed, very bright.

  7. Bill_McCarr

    Yes, this team wants young players to prove themselves they can play and win games and take their positions as long as they can push. That’s great mentality.

    We’re going on the right path.

  8. The Band Aid box has finally been put back in the drawer….Thank frig

  9. sbrooksc77

    Joshua Roy is going to like this and Ivan Demidov is one year away.

  10. Habs_Apostle

    I’m a Montreal Canadiens fan and I approve this message.

  11. DivinePotatoe

    Thank fuck. I don’t need him being out here giving 3rd pair D a 4 year deal or signing grinders to 5mil aav. Let the youth movement lead the way.

  12. Bill_McCarr

    Meanwhile, Marc Bergevin at LA Kings office:


  13. CocoKing02

    Was always taught that effective leadership inspires confidence, im now experiencing it

  14. thegreaterikku

    Don’t get me wrong, I understand the why and the need and I applaud his decision…

    but man, we gave our core 8 years contracts and we are basically telling them that we will probably be rebuilding that entire time (or at the very least, half of it).

    Because that’s all it is. You can never be sure of your rebuild. You can never be sure of anything. We might still suck in 4 years and wasted 4 years of Suzuki, Caufield and Slaf. There’s numerous example of teams that went through a rebuild and they are not even close yet (Buffalo, Ottawa, Detroit to name a few… you can even add Edmonton even though it paid this year).

    I know Marchessault would have never signed here because of the pressure (he said as much), but the message I get here is Montreal won’t sign Stamkos-type and Marchessault-type with the same contract… which would give our core two superstars for their entire contract. It’s not like if we don’t have the cap space and the cap is expected to rise around 4 millions for at least the next two years.

  15. Habsfan_2000

    Kent Hughes couldn’t have said it better himself, which he did.

  16. Quirky_Tzirky

    Being a Detroit Lions and Montreal Canadiens fan these days is awesome. Both teams are building through the draft, taking care of their homegrown talent, and focusing on developing a good culture.

    It’s so exciting !!!

  17. veranedi

    Can I just say the comments on the Canadiens instagram today have been awful lol I’m glad people on this sub are more level headed

  18. JacquesEvans

    There were plenty of choices for 1 year 3m that I would have wanted but with Anderson, Dvorak and stuff, we can’t really, which is sad

  19. simonlegosu

    It’s just sickening to see the 5.5Ms going to good players and we’re stuck with Dvo and Anderson.

  20. hockeynoticehockey

    Sometimes the best move is the one you didn’t make. A lot of teams gave out a shitload of term to aging players today, I am really glad the Habs did not.

  21. piecyclops

    The time to add a free agent is when a division title is within reach with our core

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