@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Jani Hakanpää est un Leaf! – D signe un contrat de 2 ans/1,5 M$ avec les Maple Leafs

Steve Dangle, Jesse Blake et Adam Wylde résument et analysent la décision des Maple Leafs de Toronto de signer Jani Hakanpää pour un contrat de 2 ans et 1,5 M$ Abonnez-vous à 888 Canada pour des sorties vidéo quotidiennes avec Steve, Jesse et Ashley. VOUS pouvez choisir leur prochaine punition en commentant l’une de nos vidéos ! En guise de récompense supplémentaire, regardez l’épisode des Maple Leafs de Smack Talk Trivia pour voir si Steve est le fan ULTIME des Leafs. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1f3VgE6s8CRBfqOhgPee2A?sub_confirmation=1 DEVENEZ UN VIP SDP ! https://www.youtube.com/sdpn/join Pour toute demande générale, envoyez un courriel à : info@sdpn.ca Contactez-nous à https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour communiquer avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque à notre contenu ! Les opinions exprimées ne constituent pas des conseils, des promesses ou des suggestions qui augmentent les chances de gagner. Le jeu peut créer une dépendance, veuillez jouer de manière responsable. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : https://igamingontario.ca/fr/joueur/jeu-responsable Ou si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant un problème de jeu, appelez ConnexOntario au 1-866-531-2600. Ontario seulement. Vous devez avoir 19 ans ou plus pour jouer.


  1. Timmins is way better than Liljigren. He's a fast smooth skater who transition out of zone easily. He's big enough doesn't really get pushed around.

  2. I think what you guys forget is that good defense creates turnover and can move the puck better then these past D which allows the forwards more puck possession to try and create more goals. Yes still need more offensive help but these d provide offense as well

  3. You are right the Leafs couldn't score. But a lot of that is because they couldn't make a pass out of their own zone to save their life. If less time is spent being hemmed in, and the defense could make a first pass then scoring will follow.

  4. Bertuzzi was not a Leaf. Liljegren got injured vs Boston, during the regular season, and Bertuzzi and Marchant laughed about it 🤬

  5. Coming from a stars fan yeah he’s Really Big but he’s really slow. You are going to hate him any time you play a team with speedy forwards. He gets dog walked regularly and can’t exit the D zone but he’s decent on the Pk.

  6. The coach change could/should be the difference between last years lack of ‘team’ and this coming seasons improved ‘team’ it’s not about the pieces, it’s about the whole….

  7. 6'7"? Is this the NBA? His wiki says he's 6'3". Doesn't matter really. We need some beefy pieces.

  8. I might be a bit biased for Hakanpää, because we're both Finns, but this is a great deal. Hakanpää is a relentless force of nature.

  9. Does Jarnkrot, Kampf, Robertson, Liljgren and a 1st sound enticing enough for Theodore and Roy

  10. Next yr they will be able to get some snot tavares money will be available not expecting much this yr

  11. So far tree is on point with his signings. Not the biggest fan of lilgren but he's better than brodie. I look forward to our first game against Pittsburg. This will prove Dubas is out of his league.

  12. Oh man, one of my favourite players is now a Leaf. Don't make me cheer for the Leafs :/

  13. You seem to forget good D play turns into offense as well. Also will help wear down the other teams forwards so they are beat up, tired, sore etc

  14. Love the pick up, but we need a good 3rd line center, who gets 20-30 goals per game, not david kampf he's fine as a 4th line center

  15. Watch his highlights! If he continues to hit everything on the ice, he’ll be a fan favourite very quickly in this town

  16. Jesse can never be happy about anything. You have one of the best 3 d pairs you've had in years and he looks like he's going to cry because they don't have scoring?? Dude cmon stop acting like someone just ran over your dog

  17. As a bruins fan, it’d be nice to see the leafs put up a real fight come playoff time. It’d be nice if we could beat them in the conference finals instead of early 🤔

  18. From Steve Simmons of Toronto Sun: "A year ago, maybe two years ago, Hakanpaa would have factored rather nicely on the Leafs defence. He’s a giant of a man at 6-foot-7, popular in the room, that great hockey vernacular, and a penalty-killer beyond compare. But one with a knee so bad that some think — although the Leafs disagree — that he may never play again.

    The Leafs signed him to play but many doubt he will. It’s said to be bone-on-bone with not much knee left. It’s said to be trouble. Two years ago, Hakanpaa was playing 18 minutes for the Stars. He might have played his last NHL game in March. If he plays again, plays at all for the Leafs, it will shock those who were around in recent seasons."

  19. How long can you guys bring up 'too few guys have too much money'? It's BORING. Not only that, it won't be the case next year.
    'tHeRe'S nO sIgNiNgS iN tHe fOrWaRd gRoUp'
    It's day one. Ffs. Also, Jesse, your Rangers couldn't score to save their lives and made it to round 3. So don't tell me with your bandwagon jumping, Rangers jersey wearing ass, that they weren't weaker than the Leafs yet you were all in on them. Please.

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