@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Julien BriseBois | Conférence de presse 7.1.24

Le directeur général Julien BriseBois rencontre les médias après le premier jour de l’agence libre. Regardez et diffusez les matchs du Lightning et plus de contenu en coulisses sur Bally Sports et l’application Bally Sports. http://BallySports.com/TampaBayLightning Rejoignez le Thunder : http://tampabaylightning.com http://twitter.com/tblightning http://instagram.com/tblightning #tampabaylightning #gobolts


  1. Nothing he said made any sense. I think we got younger? McDonagh 35 and Sergie 26. What a dumpster fire 🔥

  2. JBB speaking the truth but Tampa fans are mad they can’t wear their 14 year old Stamkos jerseys to games next season….pick another player its time

  3. JBB has no loyalty. Unless the new guy has 50 to 60 goals for the next 4 or 5 years, this is a terrible move. When the Lightning doesn't advance deep in the playoffs the next couple of years, JBB will jump to another team and try to look like a hero because he won 2 cups. He's never been on the ice and has no idea what a "team" means.

  4. He’s a QC.
    They are always rats.
    They never show emotion.
    They don’t care about respect.
    He blatantly disrespected the single person who enhanced the entire organization past what they could’ve done without him.
    (Think about the revenue stamkos himself created from his stardom)
    Yet JBB pays a Mid 6 forward in Jake guentzel more than what stamkos was even asking for.
    That is blatant disrespect.

  5. lol so you got rid of your 34 year old captain so you could pay a 29 year old 9 million dollar a year for 7 years? And that’s considered a younger team? lol

  6. Так поступить со Стэмкосом выглядит, как предательство. Дикая ситуация. Лучший щелчок в касание в Лиге выброшен из родного клуба, как ненужная собака. Без него немыслимо представить лучшую игру в большинстве в лиге. Всех этих бегущих-сопливых уже не подтянет Капитан. Джейк Гюнцель это центр, но не топовый левый "круг" Лиги. Куч не капитан и не годится на эту роль. Надорвёт пупок и тоже сменит клуб. Сказка подходит к концу.
    По этому лицу кто-то хочет зарядить? Эти глаза работают в чужих интересах.

  7. People. Grow up. It’s a business. I love Stammer and appreciate the years of watching him play. He was a great captain and is an equally great person. That being said, this team ran out of steam against Colorado and now hasn’t made it out of the first round in two years. Changes had to be made and hard decisions are part of that. If we kept Stammer we lose other pieces down the line and we don’t improve. No hockey team employs players just to do it. It’s to win Championships.

  8. So Stamkos wanted 5 million from us and we have 7.5 left. Assuming Moser takes 2-2.5 who is JBB expecting to find for that remaining 5 mill that is better than Stammer. Even if you take emotions out of it, these moves are trash.

  9. This GM sent a message to the entire team that they mean absolutely nothing. No loyalty. The ownership should listen to the fans and fire this GM period. He didn't even try to keep Stamkos. You had a two time stanley cup captain that deserved way more from the team than he was offered. GM you absolutely suck.

  10. He couldn’t sound less confident. He was sweating through his shirt. He did though make great points, we did get younger.

  11. JBB had an amazing June.. We got younger, faster, stronger.. Then came July. Losing our Capt is devastating. Business first should not have been this organization's main focus here. That's all.

  12. I believe this guy needs to go too. He traded away 70 percent of the team that's worth a damn. What is he thinking about. Certainly not the fans that support this framchise.

  13. Steven Stamkos will always be my Captain! Why not let him retire as a Lightning, he was ou best player in the playoffs and best player of the franchise. So sad, no consideration of the fans. I am going to always use his Jersey and form now on will only go to a game when Nashville is here just to see him play and score against us, like all players we let go do.
    One of the best and most respected Captains of the NHL.

  14. This is why Trump may get re-elected. The MAGA like responses here are cringe-worthy. GM did his job and Stamkos got what he wanted – paid. Get over it.

  15. Blah.blah blah…
    Steven Stamkos made our championships happen! Yes , no matter what you say. Its not worth letting him go, he deserved what he asked for.

  16. JBB overpays Guentzel then proceeds to lowball Stamkos and is upset that they couldn’t come to terms and he was working with a tight cap space. 😭😭 how does he still have a job after Conor Sheary, Tanner Jeannot, and Stamkos

  17. A whole lot of crying on here. If you are thinking of leaving the team over this, you were never a fan to begin with. This is business. Yes he could have given stammer what he wanted but where would that get us? It would have closed our window. And are we really still complaining about the Jeannot trade?! It sucked. Move on. He was a hot commodity and there was a bidding war. The price was high and we paid it. It didn’t work. He’s gone. I love Stammer and it sucks, but I do think we are in a better place for this season and in the near future.

  18. I'd appreciate it if someone could share JBBs really great roster moves to date that should make me comfortable with his not resigning Stamkos. Up to this point, its mostly been just resigning Yzerman's guys, hasn't it?

  19. Fans, I’ve been a Lightning fan since 1993. As much as Stammer has meant to the fans and the community, it’s his on ice stats that hurt his chances of staying. Yes, he scored 40 goals and 62 assists for 102 points… BUT he was also 21 in +/ at the same time, which was the worst on the team this past season, meaning when he was on the ice, he was a defensive liability. It’s hard, but Guentzel was a +25 in +/- with nearly the same goals and assists. Yes, it’s an empty feeling, but in order to stay competitive, we have to make moves. Toronto hasn’t made any moves to their core, and look at them. Running it back every year, and getting ousted in the first round.

  20. Gives up the farm for Jeannot and doesn't fight for one of if not the best athlete in Tampa history. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out JBB.

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