@Flames de Calgary

Mise à jour de Kylington

Mise à jour de Kylington



  1. Xyz123abc789

    I wonder how far apart the offers were. I’m sad it ended this way.

  2. swordthroughtheduck

    I mean, fair enough. It sounded like both sides wanted it, but I can see why there might be a decently sized gap.

    Flames probably wanted a bridge to see what he really is long term, without Tanev.

    He probably wanted to be paid like a top 4 D man with term.

    Both are fair, but I think Conroy did the right thing in not taking that risk.

  3. elonmusketeer604

    Jake also signed for 2 years at $1.75M AAV. Good luck getting Oliver for that. Good move by Conny getting a similar player for half the price lol

  4. MonkeySailor

    Kind of bizarre that Conroy wouldn’t give him term. Pretty disappointing.

    Only silver lining is that Bean is awful and the defence is gonna be even more terrible. And with the other bottom teams making moves today, Flames have a wide open path towards finishing last.

  5. Every-Citron1998

    Kylington played like 20% of his previous 2 year contract so it would be foolish to sign him for 2 again.

    Would have loved to see him back on a one year show me deal but best of luck elsewhere.

  6. It’s weird how NHL gms think of these guys as all just vaguely similar and replaceable cogs like in musical chairs

    (Mixed metaphor but)

    Kylington is twice as good as bean and jake is solid, Oliver’s microstats profile is almost entirely blue lest two minor categories

    How thoroughly do they assess the league?

    I always get the impression they rely heavily on heuristic techniques, perhaps in part due to assessment fatigue

    But if this is the case the team needs to restructure

    One complacent old school guy calling the shots?


  7. LatinoBanana

    We were patient enough with him. Glad he took care of himself and all that stuff, but I thought it was a really bad look from him to play 1/4 of his contract and then come back and ask for a raise. Maybe he turns into a superstar, maybe not, but at what point he he just taking advantage of our goodwill?

  8. TheMikeSweeney306

    I mean, in a year or two when we have Brzustewicz , Parekh and Poirier moving the puck for us, Kylington probably wouldn’t even be a factor. Still hate to lose him for nothing and a big blow to this years team.

  9. YuveYuve_Yu

    I feel like we could have taken the risk on modest term. We currently have Weegs, Andersson and a mixed bag of young guys. We have cap room and if he’s back on track that could be an amazing gamble.

    Is he looking for 7yrs or something?

  10. jaicecreambar

    Seems to me Kyllington overplayed his hand a bit. It’s hard to tiptoe around, but whether he finishes his contract is a bit of a risk. Will other teams be as accepting of that as the Flames have been? Hope so, for his sake. 

  11. DannyBolts

    After all he’s been through with the flames and conroy isn’t wanting to bring him back????

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