@Ducks d'Anaheim


Je suis plutôt d’accord ici.



  1. aaleta47

    Not wrong. Only thing that can salvage the day is a heck of a trade then sign deal.

    We do need some reasonable way to get to cap floor, and if we are just absorb cap space, it better be a good price (like multiple firsts at next year’s draft).

    Then be gone just in time to resign the kids.

  2. ShowYourHands

    We’re targeting Michael Misa I believe

  3. Having cap space available is extremely valuable in the NHL, and it’s not like there were any free agents we could have signed today that were going to turn us into contenders in the next 2-3 years. No reason to sign bad contracts just for the sake of doing something.

  4. Saw that too. He gave us a “booo-dreau” 😂

  5. Stebenhilda

    I mean neither was losing 100% of game sevens at home.. 

  6. Ibleedred99

    He’s totally right… ducks are making zero attempts at competitive hockey… at this point with the draft etc we won’t have a competitive team for 3-5 more years. So at this point anything the Samueli’s or Verbeek has to say about the rebuild is lip service…. WE ARE THE NEW BUFFALO SABRES

  7. ScalpelMine

    Know what else isn’t good for the organization? Blowing every single game 7 and progressively earlier playoff exits.

  8. Oh no, now we aren’t going to win the cup this year

  9. Hanzel-the-Panzel

    Every July 1 I get to relive one of my biggest pet peeves.

    We have no way of knowing of Verbeek is trying to sign people. We know he tried for Stamkos. Negotiations are a two way street. If we keep getting outbid or the players Pat wants don’t want to come to Anaheim, that’s not an indictment against Verbeek.

    I’d rather lose out on Stamkos than beat what Nashville gave him.

  10. GadsenLOD

    Remember when we played like 7 seconds with a fully healthy forward group all of last year

  11. dracomaster01

    100% correct. Pat talked about wanting to add a top 6 forward and top 4 defenseman AND to start being competitive. Did absolutely nothing to address that. Bum ass GM

  12. I’m trusting the management, there has to be a reason for no deals. Either who they wanted didn’t want to come here or someone else picked them up, I have faith in the management because I believe they want the best for this team.

  13. sunnybunsz

    Verbeek is spending the entire day trying to pitch for Saint Perry to come back home

  14. thehawktopus

    Good, the team lacks the adequate press coverage to give Verbeek some heat.

    Season ticket-holders and fans deserve updates, and if the front office can’t even be bothered to announce qualifying offers on official channels, then that’s a front office that’s doing a piss poor job.

  15. SixStarz6

    I would rather suck this year than overpay anybody. Who knows what V is going to do. But he will do something. And nobody’s going to like it. But nobody has his job either. We have a lot of good players in the pipeline. Chill they know what they are doing.

  16. sunnybunsz

    Since we’re gonna have to go dumpster dive I wonder if Wennberg or Cam Atkinson could be an ok RW veteran presence. Not Top 6 material anymore but maybe a 3rd line scoring option possibly at a bargain since he’s already on Philly’s payroll

  17. rayfound

    I think there is some opportunity for the Ducks to pull some good moves off. But it is disappointing. I was really hoping to see the ducks land one significant game changer.

    Examples: If we can keep term down (up to 4 years?), Tarasenko fits our need for right shot scoring winger.

    I know the rumors are detroit but I would not at all mind Trouba coming to Anaheim also. Fits in with what we need short term(Right shot, defensive D), potentially paving way for Solberg to fill the role after a couple years (though he shoots left).

  18. RastaRhino420

    Oh no the horror we didn’t sign anyone to some albatross contracts!

    Look at the deals the guys we would’ve wanted signed, now think about just how much MORE on top of those already overpaid contracts we would’ve had to pay to get them to come here instead.

    People wanna cry about how bad Killorn/Stromes contracts are and then get mad about Verbeek not handing out more of those contracts, personally I’m glad he didn’t sign any of those deals.

    I’d be happy with signing Tarasenko to a 1 year deal and trading for a RD and calling it an off season personally, most of the opening night roster is already in place.

  19. Ducksonic

    Does Bruce Boudreau have a job or a championship?

  20. AndiagoSupremo

    Sooo, who is the projected #1 in next years draft? The Tank is gassed up to roll the same again. Picked #3 and got a child who is at least two more years in junior so no help there.

    I did listen to Max Jones on the podcast seem to say the environment is the worst ever last year.

  21. Narcissus87

    Fuck it, re-sign Fowler for another decade. (Swear to god, let the goddamn man cook)

  22. BrandonV16

    Definitely was hoping to see a big name signed as well. Just feels like we never sign big names that still have some runway left. I get that we don’t want to overpay but gotta do something to get the fans excited and get the team going in the right direction. Getting super used to losing is bad for the morale of the whole fan base and players.

  23. Rec0nyz3

    Eventually this team needs to start winning and that starts with better players. Not the off season start we wanted but it’s just the beginning still months till October.

  24. I mean when is it that they plan on trying to be competitive. It’s getting pretty tiresome.

  25. Saying that not signing anyone is bad = eviscerated? Lol

  26. violentgentlemen

    He’s 100% right. We have the most cap space and one of the best areas in the country to live in. Either people hate Cronin, PV, have beef with our players or PV is just an idiot and lowballing all these guys. Just pathetic. To not even sign one decent player today is unreal.

  27. TangoSquueze

    I wish we knew who was offered. Taking a big goose egg right now sucks because you don’t know if it was management not caring or players not wanting to play here.

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