@Panthers de la Floride

Je déteste cette période de l’année

Il semble que Lomberg aille à Calgary



  1. atbastard

    Well, shit. Lomberg fucked us. J/K, best of luck against every team but us.

  2. W3tGrandpa

    A.J Greer is his cheaper replacement (if I had to guess)

  3. TheCatEmpire2

    Lomberg was a guy I actually hoped would get paid. Sucked to see him have to struggle for a fourth line spot and he’s always been a fan fave. Hope this is a bridge to longer term and he has a long NHL career with that patented smile and grit. Such a beaut!

  4. goalie15

    Ooooooffff. I love Lombergini so damn much. Will miss him the most, but will always love him and his energy. Good luck my man.

  5. Oibrigade

    This one hurts. 3rd favorite all time Panther. Dude’s smile was infectious. And we always knew if he was in someone who was going to rocked. Hopefully he finds his way back one day.

  6. The_First_Drop

    This one hurts

    Nobody instantly galvanized the team when they hopped on the ice as much as Lomberg

    Fan favorite well earned

    Take care of our boy Alberta

  7. starwestsky

    Thank you Lomberg! Couldn’t have done it without you!

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