@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Stamkos décrit les montagnes russes d’émotions après avoir quitté Tampa pour signer avec Nashville

Steven Stamkos se joint à James Duthie de TSN pour décrire les montagnes russes d’émotions qu’il a vécues lors de sa signature avec les Predators après 16 ans avec le Lightning, à quel point il est difficile de quitter Tampa, ce qui a influencé sa décision de rejoindre Nashville, et bien plus encore.


  1. Can guarantee one thing. The return to Tampa next season is gonna be an emotional one. Blows my mind that Stammers gonna be in a different jersey come October

  2. This never should've happened. Gonna miss you, Stammer. The first time I saw him play was on my 16th birthday. My parents had gotten tickets for Christmas. I'd not followed hockey at all until then. It was the night he scored with the spin-o-rama off the penalty shot. Became a fan that night. I'll never forget it. Thanks for everything, Stammer.

  3. He didnt captain them to 2 stanley cups. He actively prevented them from winning a cup for years, being the softest, floatiest, PP specialist of a 1C in the league.

    Tampa finally broke through and won a cup when Stamkos got injured. He only played 1 playoff game in 2020.

    Removing Stamkos from the lineup made them a better team. Thats his contribution to that cores first cup. Getting hurt and sitting in the press box. Him sitting out that playoffs is the best thing that could have happened for the team.

    Then the next year stamkos was effectively replaced by Point as the 1C, and surrounded by the deepest team in the league. And they won another one, despite him. With Stamkos playing a more sheltered role.

    Hes a modern Brett Hull, and Hull is the most overrated player to ever put on hockey skates.

    I wouldnt want stamkos on my team for half the AAV of the contract he just signed.

    Tampa made the right call

  4. He still has lots to give in hockey. Rocket Richard winner, cup winner. He’s a great captain and consistent at his age. Great he’s moving on to another team for a new challenge but wish he came to Canada lol

  5. To think Stankos, Marchessault and Forsberg together, Preds fans are two stepping down Broadway street now.

  6. Tampa made one of the biggest mistakes ever in letting Stamkos go to the Preds. They should have bet the house / opened up their wallet to him. Stamkos brought them 2 Cups. Bolts management should be rewarding him not getting rid of him. As for the Preds, despite Stamkos going to the Preds and also the Preds signing Marchessault the Preds will STILL not win a Cup.

  7. As a Leaf fan I can say this is a pretty exciting FA for their team and fans. I think they are the major contender in the West now.

  8. Sucks to see him go, we will miss him. But i think Jake will be a slight upgrade over our former captain at this stage in their careers.

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