@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Conférence de presse de Steve Staios sur le statut d’agent libre

Écoutez le directeur général et président des opérations de hockey, Steve Staios, alors qu’il s’adresse aux médias d’Ottawa après la première


  1. Like the Tarasenko deal you got nothing for Chykrun. Once again Pinto should have been the priority but with the signings today. It appears won’t be money for Pinto. He is not making this team good enough. Ullmark won’t sign for long term and Brady will want out.

  2. Not Staios's fault we overpaid for Chych and he didn't fit.. got what he could for a guy every team in the league knew we had to move, and got a RHD that fits in the top 4 in return. which is what we've needed for years. I'm happy with the trade.. we also added some forward depth and veteran presence which is something this team really lacked… no big flashy names or moves, but that's not what we need right now.. getting Ullmark was probably the only big move they really needed.

  3. Don't hear too much about Jenson, maybe that's a good thing, but also prob because he plays for the Caps who aren't a popular discussion topic around the league these days

  4. Its been many many years since weve had a GM that instills confidence. Glad Staios is running this ship.

  5. One ass backwards move after another. Ottawa has no concept of draft capital no matter which screwball is the GM. All the other GM’s have Staios’ phone number on speed dial. Cheers from Ottawa.

  6. worst off-season in years. whatever hope or goodwill I had with the change in ownership and management is completely gone.

  7. We need Pinto and everyone in the league knows we need him and everyone would want a playing like Pinto. Get him signed.

  8. Please don't be finished!! Sign more guys or tweek trades but sofar great great job!! Thanks Steve 👏🍻

  9. Underwhelming to say the least. Pesce signed for 5.5. Did they make a run for him or did he just not want to come to Ottawa. I really don't get the Amadio signing. They got some veteran leadership for sure and I guess time will tell. If they go on to not sign Pinto this offseason will have been a disaster.

  10. Staios is doing the best he can to clean up the Dorian trying to save his job moves. Ottawa needs to prove they can compete before any bigger names will even consider signing with them. This is not the year to toss money or picks around like they are some kind of Stanley Cup contender.

  11. Not a good day. Chychrun deal – not enough in return. Perron – overpaid for a 36 year old who's past his best. Amadio – overpaid. Gregor – 4th liner / AHL signing. Pinto not close to being signed. Playoff team? Doubtful at the moment.

  12. He went after guys who had no other choices …weak GM. Ottawa’s standard MO….another year of no playoffs. Next years exit interviews: Brady asks for a trade: Book it

  13. Can that bum reporter stop asking about the French? If you heard Staios at the draft, you would know his French is not close. I want him focused on other things

  14. Finally,Ottawa has a good GM.There are some other options in Adam Henrique,Maxime Comtois,and possibly Morgon Barron.Its the middle six that would help.I know Steve was left with a mess,I am all behind him.

  15. I don't really blame staois for making horrible trades to undo dorions mistakes, and trying to get Ufas to sign up to play in. A swamp outside of a boring gov't city. Just sucks that this team is absolutely cooked for probably another 5+ years.

  16. Meh i call bs on the chych move. He had way more value at the deadline, and if all you get in return is a small soft D in Jensen and a 3rd why even bother. The cap savings are little. Legit makes our D even softer…if I was a forward on an opposing team and saw the D pair of Chabbie and Jensen on the board Id be smiling ear to ear… What an easy night in front of the net. We will finish last in the East this year

  17. Not happy whatsoever. His list was to sign Pinto, Trade Chabot (Chych gets traded at Deadline depending on play), pick up a #1 RHD (Tanev etc), a #2 RHD (Gostisbehere etc), a decent 2L & 2RW (Foegele/Konecny etc), and a 2C (i.e. Stephenson). Pinto to 3C.

    Hoping that this summer can help alleviate some of these concerns or we're gonna have a rinse and repeat of last year.

  18. Chychrun “a very good player for us”…. A -30 in his first full 82 game season. 25 even strength points meaning he was on the ice for 55 even strength goals against. Brutal analytics. Jensen is a beast defensively…. He can also score 5 on 5 at a better rate than Chychrun. 29 even strength points in 2022-2023, +32 in 2021-2022. Right handed shot…. Not a powerplay guy. Perfect fit for Ottawa.

  19. Andlauer buddy over there just traded a 24 year old stud defenceman for a 33 year old plug and Ottawa fans are amazed how good he is? How about the contracts he gave out today, no one noticed they have no more cap space to sign Pinto? 😂
    Sens sure have the dumbest fans in the league.

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