@Predators de Nashville

Marchessault à propos de sa signature à Nashville

"Nashville était la meilleure option pour moi. Je suis à un point de ma carrière où je ne veux pas seulement jouer des matchs de hockey, je veux gagner des matchs de hockey."

Barry Trotz rayonnant



  1. Rinne4Vezina

    I love that he said he called Stamkos and asked him if the rumors were true and then they were both like yeah, let’s do it.

  2. GMBarryTrotz

    lol too bad he never won anything with Vegas the past few years.

  3. KaleidoscopeOk1346

    *I too hate U2*

    -Marchessault Probably

  4. Livelikethelotus

    This hurts so bad as a vegas fan.. he’s the most passionate player and my favorite from the beginning.

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