@Lightning de Tampa Bay

[Stamkos] Merci Tampa

[Stamkos] Merci Tampa



  1. This_Is_Rage90

    Damn I really thought we’d get it done

  2. crassculture

    I can just feel the excitement bubbling over from this tweet. /s

  3. nickl630

    I’m so fucking sad. I get it. I do. But it hurts.

  4. Remigius13

    Time to fire up my Franchise Hockey Manager game again to escape reality.

  5. mrjjk2010

    Shame on the people getting upset at people who are upset about Stamkos leaving

  6. totkbotw23

    If it comes out JBB didn’t even give him a face-saving offer I’ll be pissed, don’t even care if we’re better with Jake.

  7. AttackOfTheBolts

    Really disappointed. Feels like he took money over another chance at winning, which is his right obviously

  8. Theraspberryknight

    I just thought it’d be forever ya’ know?

    This feels worse than Marty and Vinny, so much worse.

  9. codymacc8

    I got to wear my new Stammer jersey to just one game last season. Keeping it obviously but it hurts

  10. -cormatica

    just heard he got signed to nashville for 4 years, 8 million.

  11. buckbolt93

    If we were in a rebuild or something similar, then we would have resigned him. But this core still wants more cups and loosing stamkos to get more depth is a trade I will take.

  12. Winston_the_dog

    Might be in minority here, but I’m going to have less enjoyment watching Tampa without Stamkos than I will whatever extra “compete” we got by not signing him. Sad day

  13. Far_Awayy

    Tough day for the hearts of Bolts fans. No way we could do $8m so it seems keeping him was never a realistic option. Overall I feel the team is more competitive than last season after the recent moves. Just going to be different. Go Bolts <3

  14. shortsermons

    We are really shitty at keeping our legends until retirement

  15. clockbergjr

    Can’t help but feel like he let pride get in the way of his decision-making. Probably never got over the fact that JBB didn’t extend him last summer and absolutely wanted to get paid since then. It’s easy for me to say as a fan removed from the situation, but this feels like a mistake by Stammer.

  16. Swimming-Fan7973

    Isn’t this a win-win?

    Man left money on the table last go round to win cups in Tampa. He gets to maximize his value this time, and the team is still a contender.

  17. DeanGulberry17

    God, that’s just absolutely gutting. I seen Stamkos for 16 years here. I’ll always miss him, however no chance we could give him $8 million and remain even slightly competitive. Hope he stays healthy and finds some success in Nashville, we owe that guy an awful lot.

  18. rhodesleadnowhere

    Not how I wanted to start the week. I don’t have a lot to say at the moment, this sucks. It’s unfathomable to me that Stammer is no longer a Bolt.

    I was taught to be loyal. Yet time and time again life demonstrates that loyalty is for suckers. Get your bags and focus on yourself.

  19. floridadumpsterfire

    Crazy, surreal few days.

    On a side note, I feel a little bad for Jake because much of the fanbase will have him under a microscope next season. If he fails to perform his social media will be full of pro-Stamkos hate every time he makes a mistake, lol.

  20. TheRedJaguars23

    This is incredibly unfortunate. I feel like this is one of the rare times the entire city of Tampa agreed on something.

    If it gives anyone any piece of mind in this matter – there’s no way we were going to get close to that deal. Stamkos took an incredibly team friendly deal last time around that help set up our Stanley cup run. He deserves this money and I couldn’t be happier he’s getting it.

    Thanks for everything stammer, this team was a dynasty with you at the forefront and you will be missed. Can’t wait to see that statue out front. He’s a bolt for life.

  21. lorilightning79

    I hate to see our leader with a different sweater on. This is Painful. But with all the trades I think we are a better team than last year.

  22. BigBuddha15

    I’ll always appreciate him bringing hope back to Tampa since he was drafted and being an amazing captain who won two cups, but he gets one last big payday and the team gets better imo. Seems like a win for both parties despite how sad it is

  23. Kdoubleaa

    He will be back and his name will still be up in the rafters alongside Vinny and Marty.

    I’m excited for the Victor Hedman captaincy. This team still has a small window of contention and this was honestly incredibly brave of JBB, just as making big moves that worked out (Coleman, Goodrow) and those that didn’t (Jeannot) was.

    See you at your retirement ceremony, Stammer. 🫡

  24. Chad2Badd

    I’m gutted. Forever my captain. I’ve been wearing the 91 jersey for over a decade. Gonna miss my guy.

  25. Opening_Active

    if you love Stamkos then you should be happy he is getting 4 years and 8M a year.

    and its on a team we will play twice a year. not a team in our division

  26. uxcantxseeme

    Sens fan checking in. It really sucks when these things happen. We went through it with Alfredsson and somewhat with Karlsson. Stammer is a legend and in my mind he’ll always be a TBL player.

    On a positive note, you guys got a great player in Guentzel. He’s a stud.

  27. PurpleFar6235

    42 Mil for 4 years ain’t too shabby.

  28. Worldly_Diamond_5487

    It’s really awesome we got to have a future hall of frame player in his prime. His number will be retired next to Marty and Vinny.

  29. UKnight14

    God damn folks 🥺 whose new captain then? Heddy?

  30. Crispy_FromTheGrave

    You’ll always be my captain. Thanks for everything Stammer

  31. TheTonyAndolini

    I get it. I do..

    But man.

    The man has been a Bolt for my entire adult life, feels like watching a part of my 20s walk away lmao

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