@Canadiens de Montréal

« Cette saison à venir, il est sous contrat à Saint-Pétersbourg… S’il joue là-bas dans la KHL, ce sera un excellent environnement pour lui pendant un an… S’il n’est pas dans la KHL, nous devons voir quelles sont les options… » – Kent Hughes aujourd’hui sur Ivan Demidov

« Cette saison à venir, il est sous contrat à Saint-Pétersbourg… S’il joue là-bas dans la KHL, ce sera un excellent environnement pour lui pendant un an… S’il n’est pas dans la KHL, nous devons voir quelles sont les options… » – Kent Hughes aujourd’hui sur Ivan Demidov



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  2. SuzukiSwift17

    If they stick him back in the MHL does his contract slide or is it fulfilled?

  3. PhilParent

    If SKA sends him to the MHL or VHL I guess they’re pretty much asking for a payoff to let him join the Habs this year.

    Which, I’m all for that.

  4. Beefiest_bison

    Demidov should absolutely not be in the MHL again, he’s already way too good for that league and would gain nothing from playing there. He had 9 points in 7 preseason games against men last year to beat out Michkov for the roster spot.

    Worst case scenario hopefully he at least gets VHL time (the 2nd tier Russian mens league), where he can at least be somewhat challenged.

  5. Habs need to do what Nordiques did back then with the Stastny’s brothers

  6. simonlegosu

    The noise around SKA is that he’s a great kid and they respect him a lot. I fully expect him to play the entire season in the KHL.

  7. Fighteroftheevil

    So it means he’s eligible to play in the AHL at 18, if he’s not in the KHL that is

  8. SchtroumpfDardeur

    Quick question, can we second Arber to St. Petersburg to keep an eye on things? 🙂

  9. LoganHutbacher

    Is he nhl ready? I know he said he needs to get stronger

  10. dalopam0

    You know he’s in glazing mode if he really praised Roman Rotenberg

  11. lievresauteur

    If he’s not in the khl eating huge minutes, I hope they find a way to bring him at least to laval this year. (If he’s in laval with hutson reinbacher mailloux beck, I’ll go check more than my usual one game a year that’s for sure).

  12. Alleluia_Cone

    I don’t want to be negative and worry but is there a possible military service issue? He’s been 18 for about 7 months, has anything started on that?

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