@Red Wings de Détroit

Bultman est moins optimiste que nous

[Link below] Je viens de lire le dernier article de Max et soudain, je suis moins enthousiaste ? Je pense que Talbot représente une amélioration assez importante au niveau du filet, même si ce n’est que par la régularité, et maintenant les Wings ont un potentiel d’appât commercial (comme il le mentionne). J’ai commenté plus tôt que je pense que nous aurions pu obtenir Ghost pour le 3×3.2 qu’il a obtenu en Caroline, mais Gustafsson est-il une telle dégradation, étant donné que Ghost n’était pas très bon en défense ? J’étais un grand fan de Perron, mais est-ce que je le perds ? que C’est grave ? Max ne semblait pas non plus très enthousiaste à l’idée de signer Kane – ou est-ce que je lis mal ?

L’ambiance ici ne semble pas correspondre à celle de Max. Je ne sais pas à quel point mieux Nous avons réussi, mais avons-nous réellement régressé ? Qu’en pensez-vous, mes amis ?

Lien: https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5609346/2024/07/01/red-wings-nhl-free-agency/



  1. redlion1904

    I actually think we had a really good day (inclusive of the Kane deal).

  2. SmartRick

    If young guys can make an impact like they are supposed to we will be fine

  3. MolotovMan1263

    Its possible Steve DID have big plans for today, without an interview from him we wont know yet. I suspect perhaps he thought he had a shot at a Stamkos or Marchessault or someone.

    That said, the positive I take away is he didnt take a swing, whiff, then try to compensate by throwing money at players who dont deserve it.

    I think any sane hockey fan is looking at a lot of todays signings, especially the higher dollar and term ones, and thinking “really? For him!??”

    The good news is the cap is going to go up substantially the next few seasons, and now Detroit is poised to be able to take big swings at the next few FA classes

  4. Shiddy_Bill

    Liked today more than I thought I would. We’re a deal for a RHD away from set imho. Necas would be primo icing on top of that.

    Always have to ask on FA day, what deal do I wish we would’ve signed? Stamkos overpay amongst many others. Less is more, lots of trade targets left

  5. RedWingsReborn

    Outside of the Kane deal, the Gustafsson one is the best so far.

  6. We won by not signing any of the ridiculous deals that were handed out.

    As for short term outlook we look to be about equal to where we were last year. In net we’re more consistent but we’ll need the good version of Chiarot and Petry to show up more times than the bad versions of them. We all know Yzerman is more focused on the long term though. If there’s a big improvement it’ll come from Seider and Raymond being better and Edvinsson being good in his first full year. Yzerman is waiting for those guys to really come into their own to go hard for playoffs. All of his big additions (Kane, DeBrincat) are calculated and take advantage of situations where he can get them for cheap. That’s why he’s going after Trouba when everyone in NY wants him out.

  7. VHDLEngineer

    There are very few deals I look at from today and go « man I wish we did that. »

    We don’t have to throw money at free agency every year to improve. We have prospects getting to the point where it would be reasonable to expect them to play significant time this year in the types of roles that we’d be signing these free agents for.

  8. markcubin

    No bad signings is a win and Kane probably has the most favorable deal out of almost any contract from the last few days, still plenty of time after today to continue to fill things out.

  9. uknownick

    I think Yzerman tried for Stammer but the offer from Nashville was too high

    We probably offered something like 5M x 2 years.

  10. -Nalfien-

    We didn’t sacrifice our future and kept it flexible on 1 and 2yr deals. I think that in it’s self is a win. Hopefully, our rookies star pushing for their spots and get playing time this year.

  11. Byeforevercunever

    Naw, today was good. I’m excited about adding Talbot and Gustafson. I’m even more excited about re-signing Kane and Fischer and not re-signing Ghost. Although I’ll miss Perron, I believe he isn’t worth his new contract. For the first time in a while, I don’t believe we took on a single bad contract on July 1st. Plus, we already had a lot of pieces to the puzzle so today we were just adding to it. I think we are moving in the right direction. It’s exhausting how some people always have to be so negative.

  12. BuffaloSoldier11

    Kind of a weird one from Max. Sure we lose Ghost and Perron’s offense, but they were both defensive liabilities who didn’t skate great.

    A lot of this still hinges on what this Trouba trade ends up being, if it isn’t dead. If we get Kakko in the deal, that could pay huge dividends in the end for us.

  13. doubeljack

    I don’t get the negativity. We brought back the two most important of our four UFA forwards in Kane and Fischer. Perron was overpaid for a forward of his age, and he is already so slow that he’s barely effective at even strength. Sprong puts up good offensive numbers, but his lack of defense is not ideal. We’ll be better off without those two.

    On D, Ghost has the offensive edge over Gustafsson, but Gustafsson is better at actual defense. The only real downside there was Walman, but he’s being replaced by Ed. The top six should be at least as good overall as last season, and maybe play some better D as a group.

    In goal, we don’t have a clear #1 but we have a group of goalies from which we should get acceptable results. The situation is improved over what it was.

    All this and we will have quite a bit of cap space left over even after we sign Mo and Raymond.

  14. Routine-Budget7356

    Season hasn’t even started, there is a lot to say about players individually, but more important is how they play as a team.

    We just don’t know how good or bad Detroit will be yet, the chemistry can be great and what would be on paper a shit team can be really solid.

    It’s just speculation at this point.

  15. dilypucks

    I’d be interested in hearing from max as to which of these high term/dollar deals he wishes we signed.

  16. rogue3one3

    I get the sentiment. While the signings today were financially good, the actual roster construction is confusing to say the least

    The wings have 4 back up goalies and 9 defensemen on the roster currently.

    There’s only 1 buy out slot available for this season (Abdelkader & Yamamoto have the other 2).

    Very curious to see what trades may come in the future

  17. BirdieOpeman

    We didn’t sign more bloated contracts to the Holls Copps and Chiarots of the world. That’s a win to me. Playoffs or not.

  18. Brewcity23

    The one thing about Detroit’s young media is they have a huge hard on for certain players and completely over value them.

    Walman is very popular among Red Wings twitter and Reddit but he is not good defensively. He was healthy scratched down the stretch.

    Ghost is a very good offensive defenseman but is a complete liability in his own end.

    Perron is a good leader, was strong on the puck, and good on the power play but not all that good defensively or 5on5.

    Sprong could score but is also a complete liability defensively.

    Reading the tea leaves, it’s clear why these players were not prioritized. Yzerman wants this team to improve the way they defend.

  19. Strypes4686

    I Think we stayed dead even at worst….. but we lost Ghost to open up space fro Edvinsson and Johansson and Gustafsson is here to pick up slack if they stumble. Talbot is an upgrade,We brought Fisher and Kane back we still need to ink Mo and Lucas.

    There’s also that trade rumor going around regarding Trouba. Yzerman doesn’t take many risks and this team slumped twice last season and still just missed. We’re fine. The Wings aren’t at the « Big splash on 7/1 » stage yet.

  20. jzanville

    People don’t realize starting the season with Edvinsson and Kane are practically signings themselves…if Albert Jo can chip in as well then that’s great, an assumed upgrade in net as well…looking good right now without really having done too much

  21. Yzerman was the most overt and direct I’ve ever seen when several times at the end of the season he mentioned team defense. Our lacking was good defense and two way forwards that create offense from defensive smarts. You aren’t going to win our division running and gunning if you don’t have a 34, 86 or the other 2 88’s as your forwards. Let’s see the defensive first team he is putting together for this season.

  22. Rebel_Bertine

    It’s pretty clear at this point that yzerman’s *mainly* interested in short term deals while letting several prospects graduate. We win by not signing Stamkos, Marchessault, etc.

  23. farstate55

    We added value without term. Gustafsson for less money and less years than Ghost? Win. Letting Perron walk regardless of price? Win. Talbot for that price and term? Win. Fischer back for 1 and cheap? Win.

    Not getting into that absurd Stamkos contract or some of the other things that happened? Win.

  24. Some times doing nothing is the biggest win.

  25. Aggressive_Barber115

    They signed/re-signed one of the best free agents available to a very good contract. Anyone who thought they would sign anything more than depth/role players hasn’t been paying attention since Yzerman took over as gm. It’s all stop gaps while the prospects develop. I would expect next year to be the same if not even less active since there will be a lot of young talent pushing there way into the NHL.

  26. Imaginary_Ad5994

    Off the top of my head the only deals I feel we missed out on, without considering where or what the players wanted was..

    Teravainen and walker.

    Others like stammer would be nice but come at a big price. Seems like we need one more top 6 forward so interested to see what happens

  27. RickyBobby689

    Some of the deals today make Copps look team friendly. I’m looking at you Stephenson. I’m sad we didn’t do more, but prices were insane. Lindholm and his almost 8 a year for 7 years will not age well.

    At the deadline I was upset we didn’t do more to make the playoffs. I’ve been adamant we needed to make the playoffs of July 1st would be quiet. Well here we are. Let’s see what the rookies can do. We have several open spots including 2nd line winger . Let’s go!

  28. wingedwh33l

    Defense is similar to last years, maybe even an upgrade with Edvinsson for a full year and Gustafsson as a better defender (slightly) that Gostisbehere. Right side is still a concern but IMO it was a concern last year as well. Goaltending got better with Talbot as a tandem with Lyon. Kane for a full year rather than 50 games is an upgrade.

    Only concern I have is losing Perron and Sprong’s goal scoring. If we don’t sign any of the remaining free agent wingers, then the rookies will have to step up big time. But, you add in hopefully a healthy Larkin and year 4 Raymond, maybe a less snake bitten Cat. Is the team better than last year’s? Maybe, maybe not. But I don’t mind Yzerman being conservative after seeing the contracts handed out today.

  29. Ok-Escape-2018

    I think Steve thought he had a legit chance at getting stamkos , which would’ve made this a solid day. I really like the Gustafson signing and that he didn’t overpay for any other forwards. I believe there is still a trade to make for trouba but that trade won’t help us much unless kakko is involved. Ultimately it’s up to the guys on the roster and any prospects that show they are ready. Really would’ve loved to see Matt Roy signed though.

  30. PineapplePhil

    We definitely regressed, but I think that’s fine. We had 0 rookies on the team last year minus the last month of Edvinsson. This is a rebuilding team, that wasn’t particularly in line with that.

    What I don’t get is trading Walman for cap space we aren’t using. We haven’t replaced him and that’s going to hurt.

  31. TheBrothersClegane

    Sounds like a perfect article for a journalist to write after today.
    If they do well this season you can say you liked some of the signings and point at this article. If they do poorly this year you can say you didn’t like some of the signings and point at this article.
    Max is playing it safe.

  32. So far this looks like the year we give the kids a « real » chance to make the team. It could all change tomorrow but as of this moment guys like Edvinsson, Johansson, Mazur, Kasper, Berggren, and Danielson can see the door open to earn a spot. Not all will but some of them will be on the big team come opening day. Edvinsson has a spot locked up and probably Johansson too unless he totally shits the sheets in the preseason.

    I still think a Trouba trade could happen. Getting him and losing Holl would be a good thing.

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