@Ligue nationale de hockey

Pourquoi la LNH ne peut-elle pas avoir des logos plus amusants comme ceux-ci ?

Pourquoi la LNH ne peut-elle pas avoir des logos plus amusants comme ceux-ci ?



  1. NotSoSerius

    Make up for the great logos with shitty rosters.

  2. I’ve grown to love the Sharks logo. The teal actually adds depth to the Shark and makes it seem less flat like the original.

    As for the Mighty Duck, it is iconic and this somehow makes it even cleaner. Colours is someone’s pref but the shape and shading adds a lot to it.

  3. minos157

    Wait if the requirement is a hockey stick than the Isles also have a fun logo!

  4. Strypes4686

    There is no logo as classic,intricate and recognizable as the Winged Wheel.

  5. NHL has the best variety of logos, they can’t all have the same vibe or they would be the NFL.

  6. Vast_Sandwich_5245

    We literally have a wheel and wing.

  7. Steakholder__

    Bro we literally have a leaf, it’s the most fun logo in all of sports

  8. Bulky_Cranberry6005

    Old panthers logo was so much better.

  9. iseeabluemoonrising

    We have a great one we just don’t use it

  10. RepublicWonderful

    They arnt the evil ducks, just mighty.

  11. scarlet_speedster985

    Kinda wish the Ducks had brought back the eggplant and teal (and maybe changed the name back to *Mighty* Ducks) but I’m really just glad to see the duck mask back!

  12. TrueAttorney6373

    At least they are not letter logos like in MLB.

  13. sfshark_6

    While the original sharks logo will always be my favorite, I still love the “new” logo (hard to believe that was 17 years ago). The updated fin logo from the Cali-fin 3rds is amazing too.

    As for the ducks, they knocked this rebrand out of the park

  14. EnglishMajorRegret

    These are easily the two best new team logos. Call me biased as a Hawks fan but the best of the old guard is the hawks and the Red Wings.

    On a semi related note, I genuinely hate Pavel Datsyuk for being my all time favorite player because it put me in a position to accept the Red Wings away as the best sweater in hockey and overall best jersey in sports. Then them being in the East took away a lot of good healthy animosity toward them, and then I get in a conversation with Red Wings fans and remember I hate them for a reason.



    ok i need sleep now

  16. Derpthinkr

    My favourite logo ever was the phx coyote. And he gone

  17. VastFaithlessness980

    You’re right. The Kings should have gone with a new logo of an actual King with a hockey stick.

  18. IcaIIwom3nMommy

    Nhl easily has the best logos in all of sports, especially in North America, mlb, and nba have a lot of awful and mediocre logos

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