@Golden Knights de Vegas

Je ne poste pas ceci pour une raison particulière, mais ces deux-là sur la même ligne seraient amusants à regarder.

Je ne poste pas ceci pour une raison particulière, mais ces deux-là sur la même ligne seraient amusants à regarder.



  1. Im going to meme this trade into existence none of you can stop me

  2. Who’s going to finish? Neither of them are shoot first type of guys.

  3. smackinisaiah

    Something tells me this is too much ego for one line, let alone one locker room lol

  4. appledatsyuk

    Yes.. yes they would. Barby or stone on the other side. Could be crazy good

  5. Throw_away91251952

    Im concerned with who is gonna shoot the puck, but I’m also wondering what they’re gonna give up to get them. It sounded like it was gonna be Theodore, but they’ve just built their defense. They got Liljegren, Rielly, Tanev, OEL, Hakanpaa, Benoit, and McCabe. 4 of them were signed in the last 24 hours. They just resigned Benoit this season, and they like McCabe. And they aren’t gonna trade Reilly.

    So, they got 7 quality NHL defenders. Not sure where Theo would fit in there anymore. We also don’t have LT to trade to them anymore.

  6. Please don’t do this, he’s going to cost way too much and he can’t perform when everything ratchets up in the playoffs.

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