@Canucks de Vancouver

Que pensez-vous du 1er juillet de cet homme ?

Que pensez-vous du 1er juillet de cet homme ?



  1. Catakillar

    7/10 all things considered, potential 8.5/10 if the players fit like Allvin & co picture them

  2. IDontKnowWhat78

    Idk why people are being so negative. To me he cooked, management obviously has vision for everyone chosen and players have proven that they can go beyond their potential under tochets system
    Personally I’m excited to see where this team takes us. Hopefully we can deepen our D-core in the next months before the first game, but Zaddy and Lindhom are both proof we can make mid season trades as well

  3. VancityRenaults

    Like all fine dining establishments, Chef Allvin served up some delicacies but the portions left me hungry for more.

  4. Ok_Artichoke_2804

    I’m personally excited. We already got skills on our team: Hughes, Miller, boeser, petey, garland. He added what’s missing on a cup winning team: big & physicality & fast skating. 

    The players signed all have that size & physical grit. Also 2 being from bruising bruins helps too lol.

    Give them a proper chance to play before judging! Let’s wait until we see them play Oct & Nov, before saying anything negative!

    Also didn’t overspend!

  5. mrmooseisloose55

    Overall a good day. Hopefully everyone is healthy and improve as the season progresses.

  6. Obvious-Property-236


    But the key thing here is we don’t know who was really available. We can’t really fault him for not getting guentzel, Tampa traded for his rights and his family is planted there, so that wasn’t surprising.

    I think we got a lot of safe deals. A couple of low risk signings that can be contract dumped if need be, and not long term either.

    Biggest one is debrusk. Boston says his biggest issue was consistency, so we’ll see. But seven years for inconsistency might be tough to swallow. But again, I’ll cycle back to the fact that we don’t know who was really available.

    We need help scoring. Debrusk looks like he needs to help himself to stay consistent there. We’ll see how this works out. For now, I will optimistically give this a B.

  7. Elderberry-smells

    I think his lead up to the free agency was better than the actual free agency day.

    If he didn’t get all those big signings done with, he would have been far more busy today, and doing too much to the roster is a real gamble.

    Solid 8/10.

    I think there were/are better defenseman out there to take a chance on for bottom pairing/4th dman.

    Debrusk could be a good get, but I would have liked someone less streaky for EP line since Hogs is streaky already.

  8. CapnPositivity

    We desperately need a top 4 Rd. If we could get boqvist to play with Hughes (best chance of success) we can drop Hronek to his own pairing and level it all out.

    My worries with the forward group are with Hogglander, Pods, Aman, PDG. We may need to make a trade to get a Laine or someone else to throw in the top 6 – it’s pretty thin

  9. mr_butterscotch

    Allvin got players that fit Tocchets system to a T. The Canucks are digging into the identity that they built since Tocchet took over. The names may not be sexy, but the players signed today are the type the win playoff hockey games. Fast, physical, hard nosed players that are defensively responsible.

  10. eexxiitt


    Did good work in re-signing hronek and Myers. Beefed up our depth and bottom half of the roster. Still missing that top 3 winger though. If he landed that winger it would’ve been an easy A.

    We will be a tough defensive team but it’s going to be tough to score goals when we need em.

  11. bitter-pickles

    Honestly what people have to remember more than anything is that it takes 2 to tango. I’m sure that his hope was to land a big fish and that he is aware that that is what this team needs more than anything, a true difference maker. But you know what? If they don’t make it to market, or they don’t have a mutual interest, it doesn’t work like 2K games, sometimes it is never going to happen no matter what.

    The only questionable signings are limited in length and I can imagine are largely influenced by solid communication with Tochett.

    Debrusk being the biggest signing an question mark of the day is reasonable. 7 years is not ideal, but he’s 28 to start the season mitigates that. 5.5 for a player of his caliber is probably reasonable when he’s on, and annoying when he’s not.

    This wasn’t the most ideal day for the fans, but in the long, frustrating time of being a 20+ year fan you can honestly say that this was FAR FAR from bad. It feels nice to know that at minimum these players make sense for what the team needs. Maybe they aren’t the ideal choices for the system, but they do make sense. It just feels like coming out of Benning that’s a win, where Benning would have thrown darts and signed a player based of of that

  12. c00kies44

    Personally still think the d is a mess. 

    Would like a 2nd pairing dman and another, more reliable bottom pairing dman.

  13. I like the F signings, gives us some solid depth and hopefully Debrusk meshes into the top 6 and can pot 30G. D is a little iffy, would’ve been nice to land a LH top 4, but at least we’ve got some size on the back. My main takeaway is we signed a bunch of helpful pieces without breaking the bank or committing to something ridiculous ala Leafs with Tanev…

  14. National-Bag7261

    All very fair deals. Good job chef.

  15. KwamesCorner

    This is was the kinda day that doesn’t feel like a home run, but obviously only time will tell. Feels like a single and that it could turn into more if it all pans out. Don’t think we made our self cup favourites or anything.

  16. tirius99

    I think management did well and was careful not to give out crazy contracts and overpay.
    That in itself is good enough for FA

  17. mobileaccountuser

    making a tough hard to play against team.. d a little slow but we mean

  18. Only thing I might have liked to see was going after Roy instead of Deharnais given the contacts they ended up signing. But we don’t know what Roy’s willingness to sign here would have been.

    Yes, it would have been a long term deal to a guy who is close to 30, but with management not giving NMCs for the full term, I think we probably could have gotten out of the last few years.

    I’m not confident they can play a Forbort-Deharnais pairing for close to 18 mins a nightgiven that Soucy-Myers probably isn’t a bonafide second pairing either

    I wonder if there might be a trade down the road

  19. CSStrowbridge

    I like what happened today, for the most part. We fixed our biggest weakness by getting Jake DeBrusk at a very good price. If he has chemistry with Elias Pettersson, then we will have three amazing forward lines. Our defence is still top-heavy, but I’m okay with that. Now we just need to sign Arturs Silovs to a low enough cap hit that we don’t need LTIR.

  20. Flintydeadeye

    Today was shopping day and food prep for Chef Allvin. Next he’s going to marinate during preseason and camp cuts. A whole cooking process during the season as he tastes the dish and adjusts in time for the final product during playoffs. This was what he did last year.

    I think he did well today. Didn’t over commit to anybody in my opinion and didn’t really sign any contracts that are untraceable later if he needs to. I’m not going to judge what the team looks like until the season. The front office has earned my faith so far.

  21. ForceEconomy9988

    As someone who was saying I hope we don’t get Guentzel and signed someone like DeBrusk, I’m happy about that. But I wished we added Tanev on the backend or a stud D. Our D is genuinely concerning at this point, even if Forbort and Desharnais are good signings. Allvin did mention leaving room for Lekk and EP2 so there’s that. Overall I like the moves but hope we do more. Though it is concerning that we have practically 0 bad contracts and have no cap space esp when considering next year w OEL buy out

  22. smallmonkejohndeere

    Nothing super impressive, and forwards look significantly better than the D to me. Still, for what its worth mostly safe and reliable picks.

    Nothing to lose sleep over for sure. e.g. They didn’t just suddenly forget that Guentzel, etc. are really good.

  23. Far_Out_6and_2

    Lol everyone is so so serious take it as it is not every chef is perfect

  24. StarkStorm

    All depends. Clearly got guys for Tocc. This is Tocc’s team now.

    Question is, will the team play for Tocc the same way they did this year? Did they buy in?

    I hope they saw, they were one period away from beating a team that went right to the end without Demko and Boeser. There needs to be belief that this core can get it done. If so, and we start on a hot start again, we are good to go!

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