@Flyers de Philadelphie

31e choix au total en 2025

31e choix au total en 2025



  1. toupis21

    If back to back Tampa seasons are to be repeated, first round exit is on the menu

  2. GimmickyBulb

    Oilers won’t make the playoffs next season. This year was a total fluke. Their whole schtick depends on two players, one of which is a whiny pissbaby who’s as dangerous as Malkin on the ice when he’s frustrated—might just try to take your head off with a slash because he didn’t get his way.

  3. allrocksnoscissor

    that trade is already paying dividends

  4. TwoForHawat

    Nah, he’s getting flipped at the deadline when the Oilers are the 13th worst team in hockey.

  5. hagan1031

    Perry is cursed to bring any franchise to the finals once, but never twice

  6. Arseling69

    I love the optimism but that team is 100% winning the cup next year. They would’ve shit kicked FLA if Drai didn’t break half his bones. They where the team I least wanted to swap that 1st with lol.

  7. Free-Supermarket-516

    They signed Skinner, they’re not even making the playoffs

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