@Rangers de New York

La réponse de Drurys aux fans des Rangers qui souhaitent des changements.

Heureusement qu’ils n’ont pas signé quelqu’un juste pour signer quelqu’un. Mais rien ? Carrick n’aide pas à battre les Panthers, pas plus que Smith.



  1. 3sheets2tawind

    There’s a whole off-season to continue making changes. Signing free agents is the least efficient way to win. There’s other moves to make and improve the team.

  2. Brocktarrr

    He forced Goodrow out and is in the process of trading our captain. Good lord what do you all mean by “no changes”

  3. KMAJackson

    On a day where Alex Wennberg got a contract for 2 years at $5M AAV, I’ll take NOT overspending, thanks.

  4. jkman61494

    Oh please. We got a winger who is just about as good as any free agent for 1/2-1/4 the cost.

    What’s one contract other then maybe MAYBE March that isn’t an eyesore?

  5. E_712064

    Drurys response will start with “Everyone knows how much I care for the Rangers fans…”

  6. CWKManiac_35

    We are bitching about not signing guys for the sake of signing guys all while bitching about needing to Jettison guys with horrible contracts. Makes sense 🤔

  7. If you dont make every team change in July 1st. You are stuck with that roster until next June…

  8. hamdelivery

    Should have beat that offer for Chychrun – otherwise a fine day, the deals people got are largely bonkers.

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