@Predators de Nashville

Steven Stamkos revient sur sa décision de signer avec les Predators de Nashville et sur ce qui s’est passé avec Tampa

Regardez Steven Stamkos analyser sa décision de signer avec les Predators de Nashville et ce qui s’est passé avec Tampa Abonnez-vous à la chaîne de hockey de Fanatics View pour du contenu exclusif sur la LNH et le hockey en cliquant ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoby8PXM_ZnMOWolmcXrXrg?sub_confirmation=1 Abonnez-vous à la chaîne principale de sports de Fanatics View ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy31smm3GNCgbSgYm9hb41Q?sub_confirmation=1 https://www.youtube.com/fanaticsvieworiginals Vous pouvez également vous abonner aux autres chaînes de sports de Fanatics View ici Chaîne de basket-ball : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChYA8XpBfYwSIDGp6p70Wag Chaîne de boxe et de MMA : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMSjEKmxTNrA-LYrU_RtRg 4th & Inches – NFL & College Football Chaîne : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtpm2KGfgIjk_jwjmBhB2Tw Chaîne de baseball : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7tk0cTJsg3c9vzwEDzZ6Qw Chaîne de hockey : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoby8PXM_ZnMOWolmcXrXrg Playlist des #StevenStamkos #NashvillePredators #TampaBayLightning des Dallas Stars : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnMDDkKGRPqi3X1DluA0t0a Playlist des Canucks de Vancouver : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6flYG1JSCOSIS1GS2PSXk7_Q Playlist des Florida Panthers : Playlist des Hurricanes de la Caroline : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnWXTqie-ZT1mYxymtWG-Il Playlist des Devils du New Jersey : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fmnzd2HCzpBn8qSE5BbDWSu Playlist des Canadiens de Montréal : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnQDCvsJv9Ckp6bhGPtawka Playlist des Maple Leafs de Toronto : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fmoakCWhF8eUxt9GU8lpqnv Playlist du Lightning de Tampa Bay : Playlist des Islanders de New York : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkAA9IonFbOvruKwgI9bszj Playlist des Avalanche du Colorado : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fkYv98vPNbQrrlFHRwNaGBk Playlist des entrevues de la LNH : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fnhQGNh_H8NCx5gGfyPCuvP Playlist du repêchage de la LNH : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Y-iH9RF6fl7e9Ih6YTjuxcUIHT5-_-v Playlist des entrevues exclusives de Fanatics View : Fanatics View est accrédité et reconnu par toutes les ligues sportives majeures, notamment la NBA, la NFL, la MLB, la NHL et le sport de la boxe. Fanatics View produit du contenu original depuis 2016 et est l’une des start-ups de médias sportifs les plus accomplies de l’histoire moderne, spécialisée dans le contenu vidéo sportif exclusif. Fanatics View a son siège social à Dallas, au Texas, et est détenu et exploité de manière indépendante. Vous souhaitez aider Fanatics View à se développer ? Faites un don à notre entreprise directement sur CashApp $FanaticsView Visitez-nous sur http://fanaticsview.com/ pour des vidéos sportives quotidiennes et suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter et IG https://www.facebook.com/fanaticsview https://www.twitter.com/fanaticsview https://www.instagram.com/fanaticsview


  1. Congrats, Stammer! As a Leafs fan and Ontario hockey fan.. couldn't be more proud. Will be strange seeing him in a Preds jersey but I wish him luck and have a feeling they may make a run. 8mil well worth it!

  2. Screw you JBB. You can hear it in his voice. He never wanted to leave Tampa. But JBB definitely did not go about this the wrong way. Us fans will always miss you in Tampa!!!!

  3. BriseBois must simply be worried about Stamkos declining soon given his age. Nowadays if a guy is overpaid by like 3 million that’s a big deal for being competitive. It’ll be cool to see Stamkos in Nashville

  4. We will truly miss you Steven thank you for all the hard work and wonderful memories I will always be a bolt fan 4 life but I'm not going to lie I'll probably be paying attention to the Predators just a little bit more I'm so glad we had the honor to watch you become a star in Tampa

  5. it's funny seeing outsiders and casual tampa fans saying "KeEp StAmKoS No MaTtEr WhaT" lol. the romantic storybook ending would be great in if it entailed having stamkos stay with tampa, in a way that would allow him to continue his career at a fair labor cost, and in a way that allows TBL to ice a competitive team.

    even with his skill level at his current age of 34, having scored 40 goals, steven is NOT going to be worth $8m in a few years when he declines. factor in his powerplay points from last season and his goal scoring has dropped significantly 5 on 5 the last 3 seasons. 19 of his 40G came from the pp this past season, where he benefits a lot from kucherov and hedman.

    tampa is very comfortable in how they handle their business, and they don't want to repeat the situations that mid-2010's DET went thru, and PIT of today is going thru.

    as a tampa fan i'm happy for steven getting one last big paycheck. i'm also glad the team dodged a bullet if that was the price that was required to keep steven under contract. ⚡

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