@Panthers de la Floride

Le but gagnant de la Coupe Stanley de Reinhart lors du septième match

Après une série de décisions serrées, Sam Reinhart marque pour donner l’avantage aux Panthers 2-1 lors du septième match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley 2024


  1. Strange feeling when you are watching it play out live and are in tune everything that is happening. After that incredible save I just KNEW the Panthers would score on that play and they did. Like it was inevitable.

    Watching it here on replay I no longer get that feeling even though I know the outcome. It just looks like a play where they score without any connection to anything else.

  2. I'm a season ticket holder for the Panthers, every game is sold out. The last two years have been amazing. The fans are very loyal.

  3. Yeah see if you can find the movie "Networth" it tells the True Story of Hockey, the one Bettman don't want you to know!!!!!

  4. No idea why they kept glazing McDavid as the next great one. Last I checked Gretz has a couple chips under his belt and meanwhile McSecondPlace has 0. Gretz was clutch in the playoffs, while McOverrated had 0 points in the last 2 games.

  5. Connor loses without a point in the last two games isn’t because he was not trying it’s because he was playing with a stomach injury and Leon was playing with broken bones Leon had broken fingers and broken ribs so congratulations to the Panthers winning the cup

  6. Kulikov came back to where he started his career and not only wins the Cup but was instrumental in saving the game. Amazing!!!!

  7. Kulak gave Reinhart too much time and space. It was a straight up 3 on 3. Reinhart never should have gotten that shot off.

  8. The Oilers left defenseman totally blew his coverage! He let Reinhart waltz down his right wing side with WAY too much time and space. Reinhart had the time and patience to fire a well placed 78 mile an hour shot past Goalie Stewart Skinner. It was the Stanley Cup winning goal. Great shot, but a great Defenseman would not have made that huge mistake! 😮

  9. a 57 goal scorer walks in completely untouched, all the way from his own zone. A nice leisurely stroll too. Great defense by Edmonton.

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