@Red Wings de Détroit

Les Red Wings sont-ils plus près de la Coupe Stanley ? | Le spectacle Valenti avec Rico

Êtes-vous satisfait des mouvements effectués par les Red Wings en agence libre ? #redwings #nhl #hockey


  1. Ive about lost all faith in the Yzerplan. He makes the dumbest trade Ive ever seen getting rid of Walman, then completely strikes out in free agency. I would've had no problem offering the same contract to Stamkos that Nashville did. No, instead we're stuck with the corpse of Copp and still not a goal scorer to be seen. We went into this offseason with 32 million in cap space and we got worse. How in the world is that even possible? Unless there's multiple big trades coming down the pipeline, this is an absolute failure of an offseason and when we fail to make the playoffs again next season, it will be time to move on from the Yzerplan.

  2. Honestly, after looking the the AAV and terms of some of these contracts, I’m happy Yzerman really didn’t sign anybody. Gustafsson is an upgrade over Walman and Talbot is an upgrade over Reimer. Is it great? No. But I’m okay with this.

  3. 1. Ghost was horrible on D and Perron couldnt skate anymore…so in my humble opinion those were addition by subtraction. 2. Talbot is an upgrade based solely on how bad the existing goaltending is, unfortunately. 3. The only achilles heel for Yzerman has been his horrific signings in free agency, i think he has wiffed on every D he has signed…Maata, Chariot, Petry, Holl…you really cant get any worse than that group. 4. Copp is cancer. 5. Lalonde should have been fired…he is in over his head for his first head coaching job. Horrible coach and way too low energy…LGRW.

  4. Wings need to make the playoffs for Kane to get all the incentives. Not looking great right now. Yzerman hoping to get Draisaitl next year? Lots of moves can still be made. Better to be in buyers market position than having to try and sell like they already are now with a few contracts.

  5. If these are the only moves Yzerman makes this offseason I think the Wings are missing the playoffs again. They didn’t improve and they actually look a little worse on paper now

  6. You're in the wrong if you think that even signing a couple big names would give us a deep playoff run. Also you didn't have 32 mil you had 16mil Sieder/Raymond eat up the next 16 mil. Also you say you have a life, this is your job to know detroit sports so do some research

  7. First of all, the Rebuild has been going on for 3 years. The first 2 years were clearing all the bad contracts. No real first rounds picks after Larkin till Moe. And last there was no 32 mill in space. Moe and Lucas will eat 16 to 18 of that money. Let the young guys learn, we do not have the money to get a superstar to lift this team. Next year will be the year to load.

  8. Lolonde almost made the playoffs in his first year soooooo. Maybe judge his performance on a tad more information lol the first half of the season we were among the highest scoring teams. #1 for a few months actually

  9. they did not have $32m in cap. for the love of god learn how this shit works.

    $16m of that is set aside for Seider/Raymond

    another $2-4m is set aside for berggren and veleno

    they had multiple other roster spots to fill (e.g. Christian Fischer, Gustafsson)

    Roy and Skinner and maybe even the ghost deal are the only deals that look like misses today.

    if you really wanted the wings to be paying: stamkos, marchessault, montour, etc huge aav and huge term until theyre near or at 40 you need to stop talking about hockey.

    no, im not a 'stevebot' hes made a handful of flubs (mainly last years FA period, goalie situation in general)

    at the same time, Cat didnt get traded until mid july. the offseason isnt nearly over. pinto, necas, and trouba could all be moved by october.

  10. Down 45 goals losing Perron, Sprong & Ghost. Maybe you get an additional 5 from Kane playing 70+ games. So now you need 40+ from Gustafsson and whichever 2 rookies you choose between Berggren, Mazur, Danielson & Kasper,

  11. Yzerman is sitting on his ass and doing nothing… AGAIN. All we did was sign Kane. Every other signing has been garbage.

  12. All I’m saying is injury prone Monahan, coming back from injury after injury. Getting 5.5 Mill a year for the next 5 YeaRS!!!
    Then next NHL season, Stamkos going to be 35 years old. He got 8 mill for 4 years..
    The only contracts, that were worth it. Was the Marchessault, Guentzal, and Ekman Larson contracts. Still those are a bit high. How bout if none of those guys wanted to come to D.
    Idk, a lot of stupid money was spent today.
    Just say they signed 2 of those guys. Do they win a Stanley Cup in next 4 years? I’m going to say no.
    I think Yzerman, done that right thing. Wait, till ur guys develop more before you go all In. And overpay for horrible contracts. That Kraken Montour contract is rediculous. Matt Roy, was another decent contract.
    U winning a cup with Matt Roy and Marchessault, in 4 years?

  13. please just stop touching hockey. it's embarrassing hearing you guys try to give hot takes about shit you don't even bother to research.

  14. God for bid anybody should say anything negative about Yzerman the GM…Blasphemy…Only 10 more years of the Yzerplan left till the teams a cup contender. Yzerman's gotten a pass since he walked in the door. Forget about Yzerman the player and TB GM. Let's talk about Yzerman the Wings GM. Does it take 10 years plus to clean up Holland's mess???

  15. I think everyone is failing to realize that it was only day one of *free agency*. We have so much more of the off-season for changes to happen. From later signings to trades where we need cap space – give it time

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