@Golden Knights de Vegas

[Webster] Le plan actuel est que Kelly McCrimmon prenne la parole vers 17 heures.

Il ne semble pas que quelque chose soit en préparation.



  1. FloralDemon

    Sounds like this is the team. Gotta home grow some new stars.

  2. TypicalJuggernaut

    Some notes:

    They seemingly had a deal in place with Marchy up until the draft, then there was a request for the term which was the most important for Marchy but management was not comfortable with 5 years.

    They did not speak to the other UFAs after the end of the season. Predicted that there would be overpays like the 2016 UFA class, and didn’t want to dump cash like other teams might. Were more willing to let players walk, save the money.

    Mentions bringing in Hertl and Hanafin dictated a lot of the organization’s needs.

    Expect the youth options, specifically Doro and Korzcak, to take advantage of the opportunity. Said Korzcak will be full time NHLer. Both are signed, and Schmid should be shortly.

    Not sure if they will trade or sign more UFAs but doesn’t rule it out.

    Cites the strength of goal/defense/center group as a big plus for the org.

    Says he knows how hard this is for the fans, but repeated that this is a business and a lot of guys wanted to maximize their earnings and they wouldn’t be able to meet the demands.

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