@Avalanche du Colorado

[PuckPedia] Les #GoAvsGo ont signé un contrat de 2 ans avec Jacob MacDonald, LD de 31 ans, LNH 775 000 Mineurs 525 000 9P en 34 GP Rep’d by Rich Evans @wassermanhockey

[PuckPedia] Les #GoAvsGo ont signé un contrat de 2 ans avec Jacob MacDonald, LD de 31 ans, LNH 775 000 Mineurs 525 000 9P en 34 GP Rep’d by Rich Evans @wassermanhockey



  1. MocDcStufffins

    I always liked him. I saw the Avs also added Calvin De Haan.

  2. QuickUp14

    Can play the system at the speed they play it. This is the D version of the Nieto boomerang

  3. gallapagos42

    Hopefully means we’re giving Malinski a real shot and not burying him at 7 with a bigger vet?

  4. not_taylorswift1213

    I always liked him and for this price why not

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