@Blackhawks de Chicago

Luke Richardson sur les signatures d’agents libres d’aujourd’hui.

Luke Richardson sur les signatures d’agents libres d’aujourd’hui.



  1. Lmao his way of saying we signed guys who aren’t soft.

  2. Any guesses on which players from last season he might be referring to?

  3. Indystbn11

    Can someone copy and paste for us who refuse to use X?

  4. lastdeadmouse

    I don’t think playing through injuries on a 32nd or 31st placed team is as crucial as doing so in the playoffs.

    Not saying that toughness isn’t important, but some context is nice.

  5. cam_barker_4_norris

    At least now we can more accurately assess Richardson now that he has some nhl players

  6. Material-Race-5107

    Luke Richardson to Taylor Hall at the start of next season “rub some dirt on that ACL prissy boy”

  7. ShellshockedLetsGo

    What motivation is there to play hurt on a team that is intentionally trying to lose?

     Stupid fucking comment from the coach here mentioning players playing hurt in the playoffs. Dude is an ass coach that can’t even get players to put in effort every night and he wants player to play while hurt being a basement team.

  8. Jerry_from_Japan

    Ehhh, a little too meatbally for my taste.

  9. Pepsuber188

    I’m sure there are some guys who could have come back sooner, but this mindset could also be why we rushed back Hall only to lose him for the whole season.

  10. Yokepearl

    He also said about knowing when playing injured will worsen the injury. Kind of a general answer about toughness overall

  11. YouLittleSnowflake

    Send some of these players over to the WhiteSox clubhouse ASAP

  12. hockeywithglasses

    Nice to know he wants them to learn and see grit in action, need that ready to go when we’re back in contention. Don’t want to end up like the Leafs, with Matthews and Nylander sitting out of games during round 1 (and subsequently eliminated)

  13. Zealousideal_Abies94

    I think it’s safe to say the clock on Richardsons job has officially begun.

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