@Rangers de New York

Est-ce que ce trajet est faisable deux fois par jour pour Trouba ? Mogilny n’a-t-il pas fait Newark-Albany tous les jours lorsqu’il a été renvoyé ?

Est-ce que ce trajet est faisable deux fois par jour pour Trouba ? Mogilny n’a-t-il pas fait Newark-Albany tous les jours lorsqu’il a été renvoyé ?



  1. nomarfachix

    Is it doable? Yes. Will he do it at this point in his life? No.

  2. AARP_Rocky

    Guy I used to work with in NYC took the train in from Philly everyday and probably made a 50th of what Trouba does.

  3. NoReplacement9001

    I wish Trouba would do long distance the way he does when covering a man.

  4. chilistar

    I’m so down to bury this man. You can’t let a loser hold you hostage. Waive him. Maybe we get lucky and someone claims. Otherwise you better learn Connecticut-ese buddy boi.

  5. Stonewall30NY

    I’m sorry trouba but maybe if you didn’t suck balls and make relentlessly stupid decisions all game costing us huge in the playoffs this wouldn’t be happening to you

  6. It’s worth relocating the Wolfpack to Cali to get rid of this bum

  7. blueshirt11

    All of you on the “fuck Trouba” train will probably be the first to complain when Igor or Laf don’t take a hometown discount.

    Because this is a great way to make sure you don’t get one.

    Igor ain’t coming with a number. He is coming to the table with a % and a “fuck you, it’s business” attitude.

  8. breadmon10

    I think the line should be drawn when ppl start talking about players families and personal business…idk but what if at your job all the customers just started saying they absolutely hate you bc you had 1 shit day at ur job and u don’t deserve minimum wage idk just seems ppl r making this too personal

  9. bunt_hamburger

    If Trouba wanted to cement his spot here, he should’ve played better. End of story.

  10. amusing_a_musing

    He can’t come back to the team next season. It’s not tenable.

    If he comes back and plays great ok that would be ideal but I don’t see it

    If his play deteriorates he loses any value he could possibly have had plus teams will have a harder time trying to fit him under their cap. Plus with all this drama I think it would be tough for him to recover knowing the fan base is willing to pounce. That cannot be a good spot for your captain. At this point, Rangers need to move on from Trouba if they have to eat salary or attach an asset. It’s not ideal but seems like we’re past the point of turning back.

    I truly feel bad for Trouba and the family but he’s not the first nor will he be the last player to get uprooted. It does suck but it’s part of the business and should be treated as such.

    Drury needs to stop pissing in the wind and wrap this up

  11. KesaGatameWiseau

    I did essentially this for 15 years. Orange County to manhattan on the NJ Transit bus twice a day.

  12. Aggravating-Post5839

    Damn what an uneducated/scum fan base yall have here

  13. StumptownRetro

    So confused. As a Rangers fan in Portland OR we have an I84 as well

  14. stevethezissou

    Bunch of insensitive d bags in here who would absolutely throw massive tantrums for far less than Trouba is facing. Give the man a fuckin break, if you’re not willing to fight for your family then what kind of person are you. You’re all either hypocrites or children.

  15. Jesus this sub has been so toxic. You would think that trouba is the only reason that the rangers have not won and that he is absolutely hated by the fans, and the team. Youd also think that he is the worst person to ever play hockey

  16. FoxMan1Dva3

    Trouba isn’t as bad as many of you guys claim.

    DP2, PP2, PK1

    A style of play many of you guys find respectful in teams that beat us and just won a Championship.

    It’s his salary you don’t like. Okay? We don’t need to worry about salary now. We have a year.

    He’s a big boy who can handle the professional BS. He can easily have a bounce back year.

  17. CWKManiac_35

    I drive through god forsaken NYC traffic every day. I really don’t give a shit if this MILLIONAIRE hockey player has to ride his bike to Des Moines. Are we really doing this? I don’t give a rats ass about him not wanting to uproot. It’s not the Rangers responsibility to make his wife’s career logistically possible.

  18. twokinkysluts

    Serious question: say he comes back, ok? Do the fans on Opening Night boo our own captain if it comes out that he wasn’t cooperative during trade talks?

  19. k__clark

    Hellllllll no, that traffic is a nightmare. He could take the train but even that sucks/is a nightmare

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