@Ligue nationale de hockey

Prolongation de huit ans pour Slafkovsky à Montréal

Prolongation de huit ans pour Slafkovsky à Montréal



  1. Excellent-Toe7753

    This deal could look horrible or excellent in a few years

  2. ecash6969

    I think this deal will be good Habs have a good young core building 

  3. Blue_KikiT92

    This is a solid move Montreal!! Can’t wait to see what’s ahead for him 😎

  4. OoooooWeeeeeeeeeee

    Habs have a complete first line for under 24 mil. Their cap could look really good in a couple of years.

  5. Zealousideal-Fly2049

    Bruins fan here, great contract and this kid has really started coming into his own.

    I don’t like any of it.

  6. Glad_Instance_3273

    As someone who personally isn’t a fan on Montreal. I have to say, i’m nervous what montreal will look like in the upcoming years. Unbelievable talent from my understanding and will look very scary within the next couple of years.

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