@Blackhawks de Chicago

Gagnants et perdants du jour – 1er juillet 2024 – Daily Faceoff Live

Il y a eu de grosses éclaboussures ce matin dans la LNH alors que l’agence libre a débuté. Décomposons certains des plus grands gagnants et perdants des premières heures ! Selon vous, qui a été la plus grosse signature ? ——————————————– Suivez-nous sur ⬇️ Twitter : https://x.com/DailyFaceoff Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dailyfaceoff/ Site Web : https://www.dailyfaceoff.com/ Défi Parlay Daily Faceoff : https://games.dailyfaceoff.com/games/playoff-parlay-challenge Produits dérivés Daily Faceoff : https://nationgear.ca/collections/playoffs


  1. Thought the Wings did good given they need to set aside money to sign Seider and Raymond to long term deals. They were also able to bring back Kane

  2. I honestly expected something more than what happened with Detroit today. Maybe there's something else brewing but this sort of felt like a "okay" day. Hopefully the goalie situation will be sorted out this year and a true #1 will emerge. I don't feel the defense improved enough. Hopefully Johansson steps in a makes a huge impact along with Edvinson, and Bergren will step in and be the offensive piece we need on the second line.

  3. Of all the teams out there and the majority of this panel thinks the Red Wings did terrible and Stevie can’t seem to get anything of substance done. Listen to their comments—-spot on.

  4. These guys are clueless when it comes to the Red Wings cap space. They have 4 rfa to sign including Seider and Raymond which will eat up most of their space. After Kane they only had room for a few cheap to moderate contracts. Maybe they should have signed Stamkos and just put Seider on waivers. Do your homework boys.

  5. Who are these dummies? Is Tyler Bertuzzi playing the long game to try out for the Oiler’s?
    Vegas has no cap space to get Marner.

  6. So if a team doesn't make a splashy move in free agency you deem them as losers. Had to give you a thumbs down as your analysis is short sighted as it doesn't look at the team's big picture.

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