@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Daily Shot de DK sur les pingouins : Dubas confirme

Kyle Dubas appuie ses propos de manière quantitative. #LetsGoPens #PittsburghPenguins #NHL Écoutez les Daily Shots of Penguins du chroniqueur primé Dejan Kovacevic tous les matins de la semaine ! Et bien plus encore ! ABONNEZ-VOUS ► https://youtube.com/@dkpittsburghsportspenguins ABONNEMENTS AUX CHAÎNES ► https://DKPS.net/join APPLICATIONS ► https://dkps.net/apple | Français: https://dkps.net/android SITE WEB ► http://dkpittsburghsports.com PODCASTS ► https://linktr.ee/dkpghsports FACEBOOK ► https://www.facebook.com/DKPittsburghSports/ THREADS ► https://www.threads.net/@dkpghsports INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/dkpghsports/ X ► https://x.com/DKPghSports Dejan Kovacevic sur X ► https://x.com/Dejan_Kovacevic À PROPOS DE NOUS ► DK Pittsburgh Sports est la fière entreprise pionnière et entièrement indépendante lancée en 2014 par le chroniqueur primé Dejan Kovacevic et dotée d’une équipe professionnelle couvrant les Steelers, les Penguins et les Pirates toute l’année et partout où ils vont ! C’est ici que tout a commencé !


  1. Younger isn't better if the 20-somethings you're picking up aren't good enough to beat a Timbits team.

  2. I've tried since Dubas was hired to come on any place and comment to Pens fans just what a failure this GM is….He is doing a carbon copy of what he did in Toronto…ps after 5 years in Toronto, Toronto's team got worse.
    The team is worse today than last year. I don't know if anyone can name one move he has made that he has 'won', including Reilly Smith trade. People are hoping Hayes can 'bounce back' when Smith's bounce back could easily be cheered for which was better than Hayes.
    Nashville in two years re built that team to a legit good team….I don't know how Dubas is being celebrated of doing a good job.
    He loaded up on picks and prospects in Toronto too…..he then made no good move (with exception of Ryan O'Reilly) while depleting those picks and prospects in an effort to win. Toronto had a top 6 that was as talented if not more than any other team in the NHL, and he could not sign the right guys for the bottom 6…..I don't get the fan fare this GM gets, or the respect he gets when he has not accomplished anything in this year…instead he got the presidency.
    It is a waste of Sid's years……former players, former execs, insiders are all baffled at Dubas and his moves in Pittsburgh, but everyone in Pittsburgh think he is doing a good job. I don't get it.
    I live in Toronto and can recount his approach, he did the same in Toronto and it is unmistakable his average GM status. The team in my eyes has gotten worse over the two years and his moves were nothing this team needed including Karlsson trade. Look at the Capitals….those shrewd moves to take advantage of Ovechkin's final years….then compare it to thePenguins

  3. Name me a time Dubas has won anything in his career? Not in the OHL, not in the NHL….but 'he does a good job'….what job? in the OHL he did the same, built a ton of picks and players…but the team never won because he wasn't able to translate those things to actual good players, the right players. Same in Toronto. I am disappointed because I was really hoping we would win one more with Sid in town, you aren't guaranteed to win on a rebuild….when Sid goes, we lose a legit chance to win in this league for sometime…..and it is being wasted.

  4. Not sure why you guys are hitting on dubas? He has done very well so far considering he was given an absolute stinker of a list that was poorly constructed be4 he got here.. now with limited cap until some buyouts are finally come of the books next season an season after and he has more cap room then maybe he can go and get a big fish! But for now he has no choice. Smith contract dump for a 2nd and 5th win win! Yes he could've done more or better but its the players option too. Once Sid is signed to an extension then he will have bigger picture on the cap and maybe he can pull some more trades and we could be right back into it. Go penz!!!❤

  5. I like what he is doing so far getting draft picks are what we need I understand that some of the picks may never make it to the n h l but at least Dubas is working on the future of the team

  6. Lots of guys lots of other teams didn't want. Jesus what a stupid podcast today… Ask the Toronto fan below how great Dubas did in Toronto.

  7. Everyone during the season: “we have no depth”
    Dubas during the offseason: shakes up the depth pieces
    Everyone during the offseason: “no, he sucks”

  8. Remember the wormy Secretary of Defense in the movie independence Day, where after they nuked Houston (not a bad choice by the way) and seeing how it had no effect, he immediately yelled and argued they needed to do it again? That's how Penguins fans – who refuse to see that after adding Karlsson, Graves, Smith and other notable contracts to the roster last season had no effect on them getting any closer to the postseason let alone fixing improving the Power Play – think about Dubas not going out and throwing a lot of money and name contracts at the problem again this season. "C'mon, just becuase it didn't work doesn't mean we shouldn't try it again!", right? Dubas being the level headed President in this fictional movie scenario has the common sense to say no this time to the distain of all the knee jerk fantasy hockey GM's out there who usually lose in their leagues anyway.

    Instead of building from the top down, he's going to be doing it from the bottom up in a nothing fancy, meat and potatoes, methodical way this time with few of the popular instant gratification type deals we've seen up until now. If Sid still happens to be on the team when they are a competent contender again, great. If not, they'll at least be sound enough in areas they are lacking in now to be only a few key additions away from being legitimate again, and not a team of old has been stars who need to be propped up by youth to cross the regular season street into the postseason.

  9. Those top 2 lines were really solid once bunting was added. O’Connor was only 26 last year, and will likely continue to improve. Revamp the bottom 6 with youth and speed. I like the moves.

  10. Yep it’s a classic soft retool I think so many people are overreacting and thinking Dubas is doing a horrible job I honestly think objectively he’s doing a decent job not great or anything but okay to decent. Hextall really did absolutely do so much damage to the franchise tho even though there were also signs of it even at the end right before Rutherford left.

  11. Not super happy with a couple of the pick ups…but seriously what were people expecting him to do with 7mil in cap space?!?! Not to mention…we don't know if he tried to get someone else and they just chose to go somewhere else.

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