@Devils du New Jersey


Les Devils du New Jersey se dirigent vers l’agence libre de la LNH en cherchant à combler plusieurs trous dans leur effectif pour la saison 2024-25 de la LNH. Le directeur général des Devils du New Jersey, Tom Fitzgerald, a du pain sur la planche. Il donnera aux fans des raisons de célébrer ou des raisons d’être contrariés. La CHASSE AU GROS GIBIER de Fitz sera-t-elle un succès ? Prenez un verre (ou plusieurs) et venez nous rejoindre dans le chat pour parler de la performance des Devils en agence libre ! Je prendrai quelques appels EN DIRECT pour entendre les voix des fans ! Regardez nos autres vidéos pour la couverture des Devils ! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu sur les Devils à venir ! : https://www.youtube.com/@runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 Suivez-nous sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7BYmvZzdWiRfnEZzZA8RJd Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ Suivez-nous sur X : https://www.instagram.co@m/runninwiththenjdevils/ #njdevils #newjerseydevils #nhlfreeagency #tomfitzgerald #njdevilspodcast #newjerseydevilspodcast #nhl #hockey #BigGameHunting


  1. Me and you both Ace 🤣😅 Long couple of days. Colton White was a really good signing, I’m alittle biased because I played on the same team with him a couple years growing up but in my opinion he’s the best stay at home defence man we have the iq he has is off the charts, he’s a defence first guy old school devil player type I think this year he’s going to have a career year, John Madden in 03 playoffs too was a Monster such a good two way player

  2. I thibk the devils did good today i dont wana any part of toffoli again at 6 mil and stamkos at 8 mil its only july 1st there can def be another sighning that adresses the top 6…

  3. Fitz did really well. He obviously tried to get Stammer and Marchy but they either wanted more money or term than Fitz wanted to give. That tells me he isn't done yet and still looking to make a trade or 2 if possible. You also have to remember that even with a beat up roster (especially Dougie missing basically the whole year and Hughes missing so many games) and historically bad goaltending, the Devils were in a playoff race until the trade deadline. They just got much meaner and harder to play against without breaking the bank.

  4. That’s the BS Fitz has sold us. I mean how do u miss out on Henrique for 3 for 2 seasons Center / Wing with some finish? Smh our prospects are depleted no where to go to get more kinda disappointed who is the second line wing? So now we are missing scorers when last year we had no lock down D or goalie? We shuffled the stink elsewhere. Can’t say we are going to trade for someone because we have nothing to trade. Fitz you failed. Should have went zadorov instead of Pesce nasty mean and can score smh

  5. Maybe the Devils will trade Dougie Hamilton, Nathan Bastian, Nico Daws, Nolan Foote, a 2025 conditional 2nd-rounder, and a 2026 1st-rounder to the Senators for Brady Tkachuk and trade Jake Allen, Arseni Gritsyuk, Seamus Casey, Tyler Brennan, a 2025 conditional 6th-rounder, and a 2026 5th-rounder to the Jets for Connor Hellebuyck, so next season, Connor and Jakob Markstrom will form the one of the best goalie tandems the Devils have ever seen since Martin Brodeur and Chris Terreri.

  6. Fitz said 'big games hunting" not "big games signings". Huge difference. He never guaranteed anything like you suggest. He DID 100% hunt for big names but they simply decided to sign elsewhere. You can never fault a GM for that so it's not really fair IMO to frame it that he failed to do what he said. Cause he didn't.

  7. Not sure what everyone expects. If a guy doesn’t want to come here you can’t make them. And if he over paid for someone you would be crying too.

  8. I got your back Ace we have a similar mind set. But we really need a top six winger I don’t think palat is a top six player right now

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