@Red Wings de Détroit

Patrick Kane RE-SIGNE avec les Red Wings de Détroit

Neal Ruhl et Flannel Sam discutent de la décision des Red Wings de Détroit de re-signer Patrick Kane. Peut-il avoir à nouveau un grand impact comme il l’a fait la saison dernière ? Aimez, abonnez-vous et laissez votre commentaire ci-dessous ! #DetroitLions #NFL #WoodwardSports #DetroitRedWings #NHL #RedWings #Hockey #PatrickKane #NHLDraft Devenez membre de #WoodwardSports ! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8sYt4QHV6ZgOyL57ATacwQ/join Regardez nos émissions en direct sur YouTube 7 jours sur 7 ! Wake Up Woodward | Lundi-vendredi 8h-10h Big D Energy | Lundi-vendredi 11h-13h Ermanni et Edwards | Lundi-vendredi 14h-16h Woodward Heavyweights | Lundi-vendredi 17h-19h Suivez le réseau sportif Woodward ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/woodwardsports TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@woodwardsports?lang=en Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/woodwardsports/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/WoodwardSports/ Téléchargez notre application pour Apple : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wsn-live/id1553068845 Téléchargez notre application pour Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsnlive.androidapp


  1. Love the signing. Sad to see Walman go but I trust the process. Hopefully free agency will work out well as well as the new deals for Raymond and Seider.

  2. Other than Kane than the Talbot pickup this was a disastrous offseason. Barring a trade we are not keeping pace with the playoff teams.

  3. The def Yzerman got i dont get. Im still on the train but 1 foot off. This off season doesn't help us, but there is still time

  4. ….and, if you ask McCarty, he will say his buddy Stevie KILLED it in free agency! Stamkos stiff-arms him and Trouba blocks the trade. Didn’t Steve and his brain trust have a CLUE about whether they would come or not? We will regress this year and we just lost Perron so we need to find 50 points. I think we miss the playoffs and more heat gets applied to Stevie which is good because I’m tired of the Yzerman fan boys like McCarty who think he does no wrong. Just look at the freakin Walman giveaway where we lost TWO players———the player other GM’s said they would have traded for Walman plus the second round pick we didn’t even need to throw in! Kane is a good signing because we have a shootout specialist and basically a point per game guy. Other than that…..

  5. Is every one forgetting that we were 1 point out of a playoff spot due to another team losing? What more do you want them to do right now? We need to give our prospects playing time. We can’t do that if we pick up 5 expensive FAs. Plus they have to save money for Mo and Raymond.

  6. I hate the part of this fanbase that thinks hockey prospects reach their potential within 2 years. I hate the part of this fanbase that thinks 4 years into a rebuild is the time to hit the panic button. I essentially hate the myopic part of this fanbase. The 20 iq side of this fanbase. Guess what smooth brains, there's nothing you can do about anything in terms of managing this team. Steve Yzerman is going to be here until he retires and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it barring he turns into Ken Holland, but as of now, he is the exact opposite of Ken Holland, so buckle up and accept this is going to take patience. I think Steve emphasized that a million times already. Doesnt surprised me unintelligent people need to be reminded every other week though.

    He'll be the first one to tell you he isnt perfect and he has made a mistake or two. But his triumphs outweigh the losses tenfold.

  7. Good player but we will need much more from players already there and new comers especially on defense we lack speed

  8. I have said to people last season that the Wings need an enforcer. Tired of Larkin taking cheap shots from teams with no repercussions. Maybe get McCarty to suit up. lol. Somebody please.

  9. Kane will average over 1 PPG. i mean he came off a fairly extensive operation last year. A magician with the puck. LGRW!

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