@Golden Knights de Vegas

[LeBrun] Si les Predators peuvent finaliser les choses avec Jonathan Marchessault, il semblerait que son contrat avec Nashville soit de cinq ans et d’environ 5,5 M$ AAV par saison.

[LeBrun] Si les Predators peuvent finaliser les choses avec Jonathan Marchessault, il semblerait que son contrat avec Nashville soit de cinq ans et d’environ 5,5 M$ AAV par saison.



  1. UnhealthyCheesecake

    Looks like term was the sticking point.

    VGK probably wanted less term, Marchy wouldn’t budge. Break up in marriage.

  2. oakyafterbirth0409

    You have got to be kidding me. Wtf, Kelly

  3. scottyfoxy

    I’m going to be pissed if that’s the number. Fuck the term, that’s a steal for Marchy.

    God fucking dammit KMGM

  4. Bahamas_is_relevant

    How the hell could we not match that????

    What the hell is McCrimmon doing??

  5. Damn. Barry Trotz going hard this year. Stammer and Marchy?

  6. buzzinggibberish

    Wow. All there really is to say. The FO has made some bizarre moves but this may take the cake.

  7. rocketrae21

    I mean yeah its not great in maybe years 4 and 5 but he’s like THE Vegas Golden Knight

  8. We let Marchy walk so we could go after Stammer and we missed out on him too LOL Front Office needs to figure it out.

  9. laxfreeze

    This fucking stings. That number is not out of what I assumed we could pay. If he walked for 8aav okay I get it but this? Man… the feels

  10. If that’s the numbers for Conny Marchy, We riot.

  11. joey_1324

    Shameful to not give Marchy that term after taking on Hertl’s contract and giving Petro all the term they did. Marchy was the heart of the team from day 1 and letting him walkout the door like this sucks even if it proves to be a smart decision.

  12. thepolesreport

    The AAV is low but the five years is obviously where they couldn’t come to agreement. Knights were probably offering three or four years

  13. AnyltaDelFuego

    oh… well at least i like the preds 😭

  14. Jacob1030

    Let the collapse begin boys. We all knew it would happen after our trade deadline antics didn’t win us another cup. Dooooooooooooom

  15. treasonodb

    i understood that marchy was gonna likely go get money elsewhere but if you $5.5M a year for him then all of the sudden the rage this fan base this will likely feel is going to become justified.

  16. 2min4roughing

    Wow, If we sign Marner or Stamkos and let Marchy walk on that deal…

  17. Wafflemonster2

    I know we’re cap strapped but that’s like precisely the contract I was hoping we could get him for… Hope they’re cooking something big because I can’t see us getting another player of Marchy’s caliber for less than that

  18. Throw_away91251952

    From a cut throat perspective, yeah that term is killer, especially for a guy that’s already (technically, though this last year was his best year) past his prime.

    From a fans perspective, this team is probably gonna be entering a rebuild, or at least should be, in the next few years, so you sign that deal to keep one of the OG Misfits around.

  19. Price is fine, but we were never gonna give him 5 years. I love Marchy, but we went all in to keep the squad intact last year and they lost so now the moves will come.

  20. sipoloco

    We couldn’t pay him 5.5m???

    Fuck off with that bs

  21. Ovenface

    I love March but 5 years is too long. The dude will be 34 next season

  22. devillianOx

    the only way i can even begin to rationalize how we couldn’t do this is that we’re going to get someone for roughly the same amount (maybe marner) and also we didn’t want to keep him for another 5 years.

    breaks my heart to see him go regardless, i feel keeping him should have been our top priority

  23. killerdescore

    Keep him if that’s the contract he wants

  24. UltSomnia

    I’m kind of shocked if that’s it. What did marchessault make on his old contact?

  25. Stupid. A longer term deal for less aav is exactly the type of deal we should have offered, who cares what happens in years 4/5 of that contract because I’m pretty sure we are not going to be very good then no matter what. More years, lower aav always seemed better so we’d have more cap wiggle room in our cup window for the next 2-3 years

  26. Fucking Bullshit Kelly Just absolute Horse Shit!

  27. I knew it was coming, it doesn’t make it hurt less.

  28. skilzkid

    Christ, with that low of a cap hit we could have bought him out year 4 if things went south. Seeing this number hurts.

  29. The second we signed hertl I knew this was the outcome. Called it and hertl better fucking be worth it. The gms absolute lack of loyalty makes it real hard to root for the success of the team. I know sports ARE a business but you cheer for the players. At this point rooting for the knights feels like rooting for Walmart to get a good profit margin next quarter.

  30. AshCan10

    That’s a hard pill to swallow. Hard to believe we couldn’t give him 5 mill again, he’s been a steal at 5 mill since the very beginning

  31. XenoBound

    As someone who loves both the Bolts and Knights, the Preds double dipping like this makes me feel a certain way.

  32. usernamedstuff

    That’s it? Err, now I’m starting to question the McGMs. I thought he was going for 7+ with six years.

  33. Markel100

    Yeah this hurts damn losing klay and marchy straight pain

  34. Last_Friday_Knight

    You mean I can get a smashville jersey with Marchy on it?
    Bites to lose an OG tho

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