@Rangers de New York

[Mercogliano] Les deux meilleurs espoirs du consensus pour les #NYR, Gabe Perreault et Brennan Othmann, ont été assez inséparables depuis le début de cet entraînement au camp de développement. Beaucoup de discussions, et Othmann vient de préparer Perreault pour un vilain tir du poignet. La libération rapide était 🔥

[Mercogliano] Les deux meilleurs espoirs du consensus pour les #NYR, Gabe Perreault et Brennan Othmann, ont été assez inséparables depuis le début de cet entraînement au camp de développement. Beaucoup de discussions, et Othmann vient de préparer Perreault pour un vilain tir du poignet. La libération rapide était 🔥



  1. slow_hockey

    Nice way to start the day and wash away the toxic doomer nonsense of yesterday

  2. imnotthesmartestman

    Tired: Kreibanejad

    Wired: Othault

  3. 09-24-11

    Gabe is the future, trending to be a star. He was ranked 7th best prospect overall (excluding 2024 prospects) about a month ago by Scott Wheeler of the Athletic. His stock has only gone up since draft day. Imo he is an untouchable prospect. I think the earliest we see him is 2025-26. He already committed to going back to college this year.

    Othmann is also a good prospect ranked 46th but likely caps at a 2nd liner. I think he will get a look this year but I’m hesitant to pencil him in as a full time NHLer. He plays a chirpy game. Think Trochek.

    These two are the future. When we passed on veteran wingers yesterday with term, I thought of Gabe and Othmann.

  4. Dig-Duglett

    perreault genuinely has star potential and i was very happy drury didn’t move him for ~3 months of guentzel.

  5. labinnac_esproc_02

    We’ll see if they see any ice time. It’s up to Lavi if they get called up, to give them ice time. See: cullye. Barely any

  6. 8teamparlay

    Rangers propaganda machine working overtime.

  7. nyrangerz30

    Consensus top prospect in Perreault for sure. But not top 2. Berard really impressed last year while Othmann was just ok.

  8. Excited to see these two during preseason and hoping othmann can earn a full time roster spot

  9. Asteriskib

    When does Drury trade these two for a veteran on their last leg?

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