@Red Wings de Détroit

Invité spécial au camp de développement… Indice : The Magic Man

Invité spécial au camp de développement… Indice : The Magic Man



  1. BaldassHeadCoach

    Holy shit.

    Never thought I’d see the day when Pavel would be welcomed back.

  2. Background_Junket_35

    No pressure, just practice your stick handling in front of maybe the best stick handler ever

  3. socrates1975

    :O please dats teach the youth the way of the puck!

  4. MickeyTettleton

    He tried stick handling then they told him to stop and make 4 extra unnecessary passes to make the Scandinavians feel more comfortable.

  5. He didn’t have a puck on his stick because he broke an undrafted kids ankle while saying still got it and the team didn’t want to see ASP suffer the same fate

  6. Danengel32


    I don’t even think he’s back to the US since he left

  7. Chrisda19

    Honestly surprised to see him back in the US, what with all that crazy ass shit he was involved in back in Russia with that church/priest.

  8. Chefbigandtall

    He is staying at my place of work this week. Got a chance to say hi. Cool guy.

  9. Winter_Maximum_8560

    Now this is a guy i wouldn’t mind overpaying in free agency

  10. munkeychunks22

    Hopefully he’s teaching these kids puck protection, timing and thievery along with the dangles

  11. everyboulevard

    Someone go get Trev and make him lace them up. We deserve more giggles.

  12. uknownick

    So we have Pavel as stick handling and hockey IQ coach now?

    Player development program is in full gear

  13. SikkWithIt

    Jealous. Can I be a special guest at the dev camp too? We can show both ends of the stick handling/skating spectrum 🙂

  14. Vast_Sandwich_5245

    Those guys felt how I fel when I got to bootcamp the way he skated by eyeing them all up and down.

  15. Jokes on all of you. He’s got a Kachina jersey on under that jacket.

  16. Final_Persimmon_5543

    Correction. *Hall of Famer, The Magic Man

  17. AltruisticBuffalo0

    I’m surprised but excited to see him back with the organization. Makes me think the jersey retirement could be coming soon. Was worried he’d never leave Russia. I would love to see him involved somehow within the org long term. 

    I think some of his special talent can be taught. Nobody will learn all of it but the stick lifts, puck protection, and defensive positioning can be taught. 

  18. Lady-Aurorah

    I still have his poster on my wall/ see it every time I leave my room, to inspire me lol. I love Datsyuk

    Lets sign him to a 1 year deal please on Kane’s line haha! But fr, I would really love if they hired him in some capacity!

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