@Flames de Calgary

Conférence de presse de Jake Bean | 01.07.24

« Mes parents sont vraiment heureux, ma sœur est également de retour en ville, par coïncidence, donc nous sommes tous de retour. » Jake Bean a parlé aux médias aujourd’hui de la signature d’un contrat de deux ans avec l’équipe de sa ville natale !


  1. This can be a great addition just seems he lack a little confidence but if he can go on the ice and gain confidence, be a good signing. Pickrd 1st round 13th so there is something there.

  2. Please re-sign him next season even though he will still have 1 year left on his contract. Welcome home Jake

  3. I've bean a Jake Bean fan since his time here in junior hockey with the Hitmen. I always wanted him on the Flames. Needless to say, im very excited to watch him play. Also, i love that conny is bringing hometown boys back home!

  4. Average signing but didn’t expect Conroy to make any big splashes with the rebuild.

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