@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Ce que la foudre vient de faire à Stamkos était DÉGUEULASSE…

Combien d’entre vous se souviennent de la campagne de marketing de 2008 intitulée Seen Stamkos? Comme le temps passe vite! 16 ans, 555 buts et 2 Coupes Stanley plus tard, il est difficile de croire que le passage de Steven Stamkos avec le Lightning de Tampa Bay est terminé. Je n’ai aucun problème avec son départ, mais j’ai un problème avec la façon dont Julien Brisebois et le Lightning ont géré la situation, et c’est le sujet de la vidéo d’aujourd’hui.


  1. NOTE
    In post, I realized "The worst period in franchise history" was a bit hyperbolic. OK Hockey LLC's ownership was tumultuous, but not as crazy as when the Lightning were allegedly owned by the Yakuza in the 1990s.

  2. Didn’t the lightning treat Vinny Lecavalier and Martin St. Louis like moldy old bread after they were done with them too?

  3. they got a bunch of over the hill old guys. IF it doesnt work they are basically in trouble for the next 4-5 years

  4. Calgary fans were super mad when Gaudreau left and Calgary got nothing in return. Now TB just lets Stamkos go for nothing. If I was a TB fan, I wouldn't be anymore. LOL.

  5. $3 million over 8 years?! Ummm… I think that was meant to be $8 Mil over 3 years. Somebody transposed the numbers on what they heard was an 8 X 3 offer. 😂

  6. Every single one of these players are over paid! It’s why I don’t support any major leagues at all. Three million dollars a year should be plenty for anyone!

  7. Dumb take, they made him millions and provided a team to win the cup. That's not disgusting. Back to reality plz.

  8. I thought that as well, but the 8×4 is a crazy contract. He's probably got 2 good seasons left where the 8 mil looks reasonable. Even Alex the great at 38 this season looked slow and out of his league. His production 5v5 has already fallen off a cliff, he's made up points by becoming a PP specialist but that won't work as well in Nashville. He's probably a 50-60pt guy in the 3rd year, 40-50 in the 4th . A million or two extra a year for the good feels is one thing, but Stamkos basically is getting twice his likely value over the contract.

  9. As a Penz fan I get why moved on. You want to see your favorite players with your favorite organization, but there's a catch when their price tag drags down the team because they can't produce like they used to.

  10. They don’t owe Stamkos anything. They must have seen decline in his game and knew it would be bad business if they resigned him. And what you call sacrifices most ppl call injury prone. Also if he didn’t take less he wouldn’t have all those cups, stop being so soft and worrying about the millionaire who just got paid 32 million to play a game the next 4 years somewhere else.

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