@Sabres de Buffalo

« Nous devons franchir cette étape cette année » | Le directeur général des Sabres de Buffalo, Kevyn Adams, à propos de l’agence libre de la LNH en 2024

Le directeur général des Sabres de Buffalo, Kevyn Adams, s’est entretenu avec les médias le premier jour du marché des joueurs autonomes de la LNH en 2024. Il a parlé de la signature de Jason Zucker, Sam Lafferty, Dennis Gilbert, de la présence de Peyton Krebs dans l’alignement, du recrutement de joueurs pour Buffalo, et plus encore. Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YT des Sabres de Buffalo : https://bit.ly/2G1G8eT Pour plus d’action des Sabres : https://bufsabres.co/2XAYg5m #BuffaloSabres #Sabres #NHL Pour plus d’action des Sabres : Sabres.com Suivez-nous sur X : twitter.com/BuffaloSabres Suivez-nous sur TikTok : https://bufsabres.co/TikTok Suivez-nous sur Instagram : Instagram.com/buffalosabres Aimez-nous sur Facebook : facebook.com/buffalosabres


  1. Even if their top 9 have career years (which is improbable) they probably still miss the playoffs.

    The hope of the postseason heavily rests on defense, goaltending and a lot of grind em out low scoring games.

  2. Much better off-season so far compared to last. To all the fans screaming gRiT aNd ToUgHnEsS the past several years, we have a legit checking line and a coach who will absolutely not stand for guys not sticking up for each other and working hard every shift.

    Anyone who thought we were going to be able to sign a star top 6 forward yesterday is delusional. You just like complaining. Get real. We do have talent, they need to stay healthy. And a stable in Rochester clawing their way here. We don't have to replace 30 goals from Jeff if we are more defensively sound overall. I love Jeff but dude is a defensive albatross.

    Am I upset over the last 13 years? Of course I am. And fans of course have legit reason to voice it. But a wise man once said "is only game, why you heff be mad?"


  3. The fact is that the Sabres are farther behind most of the Atlantic division than they were 48 hours ago. Seems like Adams is banking on Tage, Tuch, and Cozens having career years again and is therefore content to futz with the fourth line rather than trying to find a difference-maker. Maybe he's right, maybe goals will come in abundance like they did two years ago, and maybe Lindy will be able to get this team to play a 60-minute game more often than not. Or, more likely, Adams will be fired at the end of the year and Terry will hire the assistant Zamboni driver as the new GM.

  4. Yes you added some balance with some veteran grit and muscle on the bottom end with players who aren't afraid to get there noses dirty and battle and let's hope that style of play rubs off on the top end as Lindy will make sure they will be protected with a response from the bottom end. Was tired of watching liberties taken on the younger players under Granato as he stood there clueless what to do.

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