@Golden Knights de Vegas

[Puckpedia] Je m’attends à ce que Victor Olofsson signe avec #VegasBorn. Il est un UFA après un contrat de 2 ans à 4,75 millions de dollars avec un plafond salarial.

[Puckpedia] Je m’attends à ce que Victor Olofsson signe avec #VegasBorn. Il est un UFA après un contrat de 2 ans à 4,75 millions de dollars avec un plafond salarial.



  1. scottyfoxy

    He had a back year last season, but a half point per game guy. Looks like his defensive game leaves a lot to be desired though.

    I’ll be waiting on the AAV

  2. Kawthorisbest

    I know that puckpedia is one of those sites are similar to cap friendly, but is this a reliable source?

  3. loganater14

    « Olofsson’s contract with #VegasBorn is expected to be for 1 year »

  4. Skelassassin

    This definitely wasn’t on my bingo card

  5. This is the way. Sign guys at a discount who are good players coming off a bad year. Don’t throw big money and long term contracts at players who just had record seasons.

  6. Throw_away91251952

    Curious what they do with him. Middle 6 winger that starting playing like a bottom 6 winger towards the end, but the bottom 6 wings are the one place in the forward group that seems full.

    Not sure if I like him as a top 6 guy though. Guess we’ll see.

  7. Dude was not terrible next to Eichel early in his career. Hopefully a change of scenery can elevate his play like Sam Reinhart.

    Supposedly a lazy player who can really shoot the puck. Let’s see if having a winning culture and a different coach changes this. Worst case is we bury him in AHL for no real cap loss.

    Maybe we get an ABBA line of Olofsson/Karlsson/Holtz.

  8. ghettoapartment

    we have entered the avs losing kadri era. good signing imo. not a big commitment money wise or years wise. this free agency period is starting to feel more and more like 2016 nba free agency. guys like mosgov getting 16 million a year for 4 years at 31.

    its just not sustainable. a lot of these contracts are gonna age really poorly.

    giving a 5 million a year for 5 years to an almost 34 year old is not a good deal in any universe. a 2 year deal, absolutely, but 5? gtfo

  9. friskyjude

    Much needed winger/scoring depth on a bargain contract. It is what it is and I’ll take it gladly.

  10. Steve_Hunts96

    Not a bad pickup! Needed to add some depth to the wing, and despite it not being a flashy name, he’s a guy that has chemistry with Eichel, and Cassidy knows him from his time in the east! Could be a good fit!

  11. joey_1324

    He’s coming off of a dreadful year we’ll see if he can bounce back on a cheap contract.

    This really is turning into a retooling off season.

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