@Flames de Calgary

Mantha et Huberdeau patinent ensemble cet été

Dans une nouvelle interview, Craig Conroy mentionne qu’il espère que Mantha et Hubey s’entendront bien. Huberdeau et Mantha patineront également ensemble cet été. Espérons que leur connexion française fonctionnera et qu’ils joueront bien avec les Flames cette saison.

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  1. SwedishMeatwall

    I don’t have high expectations, but here’s hoping he can help Hubey get going a bit.

  2. Boardgame_Beardyman

    There’s always the chance he doesn’t want to come here, but Tarasenko might be a fit too… I’m a little surprised we didn’t go for Duclair, but then again maybe we did and weren’t successful.
    I don’t think Mantha will be enough, but I’ll be happy to be wrong.

  3. Jam_Marbera

    I have unreasonably high expectations and I will be disappointed even if they are met

  4. itoadaso1

    This is a clever signing by Conroy. Best case him and Huberdeau find chemistry, he gets Huberdeau going again, at which point Conny has the decision of moving Mantha for draft capital at the deadline or extending him for a couple years. Also could be a scenario where Mantha does well away from Huberdeau, would make moving him even easier.

    Worst case Mantha struggles and we’re rid of him in 1 season.

    No major downside, tons of upside. I am pretty surprised he wasn’t able to secure longer term elsewhere. Seems he’s betting on himself to secure a better longer term deal.

  5. komatiitic

    I mean you gotta hope someone’s good with Hubey.

  6. I would be shocked if he was the missing piece…but pleasantly shocked.

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