@Predators de Nashville

La ligue est cuite lorsque le GMBT supprime ce plafond sabbatique des livres

La ligue est cuite lorsque le GMBT supprime ce plafond salarial des livres



  1. southern-charmed

    Damn the fact that we are about to ice a competitive roster this year with $12mil in dead cap is shocking. Terrific execution by Trotz and team.

  2. 87Frosty87

    Shed another 3 mil next year and 5.25 mill the year after that. Plus whatever amount the cap goes up. That’ll be nice even if it’d obviously be more ideal to not have that dead money at all. Regardless, if the players we have now do what they’re supposed to do, there shouldn’t be a great need to have to pay up for another top 6 F or top 4 D in the near future.

  3. I see his plan now. Give Josi, ROR, Fil, and Juice a 2-4 year window for a push, then when the contracts get hairy, you can start the draft and develop phase naturally.

  4. ElJacinto

    It’ll be replaced by new dead cap space for Stamkos & Marchessault 🤣

    I think going for it now is certainly a better move than sitting in mediocrity, but those contracts are going to be ugly in a few years.

  5. Livid_Cartographer

    Is Turris the worst move in franchise history? I was still too young to remember the early days, but I can’t imagine we had a player paid as much for as long and for so little in return.

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