@Canadiens de Montréal

[Emrith] Juraj Slafkovský a déclaré que la durée du contrat était la chose la plus importante pour lui : « Pour moi, ce n’est pas une question d’argent ; je prendrais n’importe quoi, je veux juste rester. »

[Emrith] Juraj Slafkovský a déclaré que la durée du contrat était la chose la plus importante pour lui : « Pour moi, ce n’est pas une question d’argent ; je prendrais n’importe quoi, je veux juste rester. »



  1. t_l_quinner

    God I love this culture they’ve built

  2. mrtwilts

    Imagine how Demidov is feeling now, seeing the strong culture, seeing how committed the organization is to their young core

  3. Zblancos

    ‘’ I’d take anything’’ proceeds to take 60m.

    Obviously I’m happy with the contract, his quote is funny tho

  4. GrayBlack75

    Wow, what an incredible team we’re building. I don’t think I’ve ever heard an NHL player say “I’d take anything” when it comes to contract negotiations. Slaf is epic, maybe future Captain material after Nick? Love him to bits

  5. musicsmith20

    I’ve said it so many times, and I’ll say it again. I … FUCKING LOVE THIS TEAM!!!

  6. FakeCrash

    Slaf couldn’t possibly be more likeable.

  7. EatonHass_24-7

    Kenny Hughlestein is building a fucking dynasty.

  8. Nimbus_m00n

    Shades of Pastrnak, this is a true hockey player folks. I feel so sorry for Leaf fans…. NOT!

  9. Brys_Beddict

    I mean, it’s a little about the money and that’s fine.

  10. 3oysters

    That contract is going to look like a steal by the time it kicks in. I love the direction we’re headed in.

  11. ukrainianhab

    I’m betting on Slaf all day. This does actually have potential to be an absolute steal of a contract. Yes it’s long but again there’s so so much upside to this deal. He’s still going to improve.

  12. HanshinFan

    Inject this off-season directly into my heart and I will never, ever die

  13. Mbeaud001

    Geoff Molson deserves a lot of praise as he placed the right pieces on top of the management team!

    Slaf is about to tear the league apart!

  14. Not_drunk_cactus

    Wonder if he’s getting a signin bonus
    His contract will expire when he’s 28 et will be young enough to sign for another 8 years.
    He will probably make over 100 milions in his nhl carrer

  15. Slow-Juice-7257

    He shot at 14% and turned it on late in the year. The 7.5M payout was quite the stretch he’ll never be a 100 point guy, if he turns into a prime landeskog then sure but for now it’s 2M overpay if he stays status quo

  16. Any folks still want Wright or Cooley?

    You guys were numerous until december

    Big brainssss

  17. zzzzoooo

    « For me, it’s not about money; I’d take anything ».

    Ya ya ya. Let’s offer him $1M per and see if he accepts.

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