@Sabres de Buffalo

[JFresh] C’est un peu irréel que les Sénateurs aient appuyé sur l’accélérateur avec DeBrincat + Chychrun (en échangeant un 7e choix au total, un 12e choix au total, trois 2e et un 3e) et n’aient rien obtenu du tout, à part quelques centimes pour les avoir échangés à nouveau plus tard.

[JFresh] C’est un peu irréel que les Sénateurs aient appuyé sur l’accélérateur avec DeBrincat + Chychrun (en échangeant un 7e choix au total, un 12e choix au total, trois 2e et un 3e) et n’aient rien obtenu du tout, à part quelques centimes pour les avoir échangés à nouveau plus tard.



  1. PrinciplesRK

    [Sens played at an 86 point pace with DeBrincat in the lineup and a 79 point pace with Chychrun in the lineup. Hate to say it but kind of makes you wonder what their record will be like with Ullmark in the lineup.](https://x.com/jfreshhockey/status/1808132179148312916?s=46&t=A9g-Am0a5jCjDIuzDBhpHw)

    If you want to see what a front office looks like that is actually destroying a franchise, take a look up north.

    This is not to say Adams shouldn’t trade for a top 6 forward or 3C, but he’s not the worst GM of all time like some people are acting like.

  2. andyouarenotme

    there’s one team technically worse off!

  3. stuiephoto

    This situation is why I’m still on GMKAs good side. Trades like this and Timo meier turned out to be terrible and almost the entire buffalo fanbase were pissed they didn’t happen. 

  4. bustthelease

    This is why you build a team based on a strategic plan and don’t panic.

  5. JiggyDS_11

    This Ottawa team does seem to feel like a Tim Murray Sabres type of team, giving up picks and prospects a bit too early for established players, with this established players being move for less later on.

    To GMKAs credit, he probably is under a ton of pressure but he at least isn’t making any rash decisions of throwing a ton of money at someone (see the Debrusk and Stephenson contracts), or trading too much for too little just to make a move (other than the 2nd for Malestyn, which honestly isn’t that big a deal). So he isn’t mortgaging the future like most GMs with their job on the line.

    That being said, I still do hope GMKA does make a move before training camp for a top 6 forward, just to further improve the scoring at least somewhat.

  6. JoeSchmohawk93

    That’s the thing about ballsy moves- they don’t always work out. I respected the move for DB at the time but dealing for Chycrun always seemed misguided

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