@Red Wings de Détroit

Quel est le plan de Steve Yzerman ? Red Wings de Détroit

Darren McCarty, Neal Ruhl et le reste de l’équipe BDE discutent de ce qu’ils pensent que Steve Yzerman et les Red Wings de Detroit ont prévu pour l’intersaison après le repêchage. Y a-t-il d’autres mouvements à venir ? Aimez, abonnez-vous et laissez votre commentaire ci-dessous ! #DetroitLions #NFL #WoodwardSports #DetroitRedWings #NHL #RedWings #PatrickKane #Hockey #FreeAgency Devenez membre de #WoodwardSports ! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8sYt4QHV6ZgOyL57ATacwQ/join Regardez nos émissions en direct sur YouTube 7 jours sur 7 ! Wake Up Woodward | Lundi-vendredi 8h-10h Big D Energy | Lundi-vendredi 11h-13h Ermanni et Edwards | Lundi-vendredi 14h-16h Woodward Heavyweights | Lundi-vendredi 17h-19h Suivez le réseau sportif Woodward ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/woodwardsports TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@woodwardsports?lang=en Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/woodwardsports/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/WoodwardSports/ Téléchargez notre application pour Apple : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wsn-live/id1553068845 Téléchargez notre application pour Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsnlive.androidapp


  1. Here before all the doomsday whiners come in here complaining about not knowing rebuilds take longer than 4 years in the NHL. Yzerman even admits making a couple mistakes, but how can we be mad at year to year progress in the standings since he took over in 2019? Lol. Go watch something you remotely understand. This ain't the sport for you.

  2. He’s not “relying” on the youth. He’s being forced to because of the market. Teams signing mediocre players to 6-7 year deals is not what SY is going to do.

    There’s more bang for your buck on the trade market. Taking on players like Trouba/Pinto with contracts already in place.

    Also, Edvinnson and Gost are not 1 for 1. Gost is 3rd pair RHD with offensive upside. Simon is a 1/2 line LHD. Gost is getting replaced by Gustafson but there’s still a hole @ Right D.

  3. You can’t whine about no room on the roster for Kasper, Soderblom, Mazur, Danielson and the rest of youngsters, AND not signing free agents like crazy.

  4. What is this dumb ass talking about? Ghost or edvinsson? 1 lefty and 1 righty (lefty that plays the right side). Thing is you had both last year and could've kept both this year. You wanna talk cap construction, ghost signed for less than we paid him last year 3.2mil. Could have kept ghost and not signed gustaffson lilligren and jack campbell and actually saved money

  5. As of today, are the red wings a better team than last year? No, they aren't. Will they have a better record or make the playoffs? Probably not. The main bright spot of this free agency is the Kane signing since he is likely to bring in some draft capital when we trade him at the deadline to a playoff team while retaining half of his contract. This is a regression year, so far.

  6. This team has no center depth, March was so bad because we have no center even remotely close to Larkin. Without Dylan Larkin, this is a lottery team, and its gonna be open season on him from opening day.

  7. We have one forward slot , after Berggren and Veleno. That means ONE SPOT. He is going to sign another forward, meaning no spot for Mazur, Danielson, or Marco Kasper.

  8. Campbell is probably going down to AHL

    Husso is probably gone

    Talbot/Lyon is the tandem until Cossa is up

  9. Petry’s contract is being paid by two other teams.

    If you don’t play him in the top 4, his 2M+ contract on the third pair is not that bad

    Copp’s contract looks actually quite good after yesterday. He would get more AAV and 6-7 years on his deal if he signed yesterday. It is crazy

  10. I’m not a doomer but to sit here and say this team is making the playoffs is delusional. This is the show for the non-thinking homer that just wants to hear the team is great and yzerman is perfect

  11. The thing about the ghost contract, is I’d for sure take Ghost at 3.4×3 over Gustavson at 2×2 but I only think Ghost took less money because he believes Carolina is a cup contender, I doubt his contract here would be below 5m

  12. I don’t understand why ppl don’t like Lyon…dude kept us in the game so many times last season. I get that it was the most he had ever played and maybe was over-played, but dude did a fantastic job and proved himself.

  13. Elmer Soderblum immediately looked like an NHL player when paired with Razzy. He was only called back to preserve years.

  14. Rookies that can play top 4 d or top 6 Offense allows playoff teams to take risks on the rental 1 y contracts that put them in contention.

  15. Let the ass kissing commence….Yzerman can do no wrong lol… Neal is unbearable and the rest of the sycophants aren't much better.

  16. For the health of this team the KIDS NEED TO PLAY!!!!!! you want more a bunch of overpaid meh players….Morons !!!!!

  17. So you think only Larkin and a few guys deserve big contracts? while the rest get 1 year contracts? Good luck building a team and getting anyone to come here. Surprise no big signings because everyone will be getting what they want everywhere else while we allow kids to play and hope to win a cup with little to nothing. Never going to happen. Yzerman should know this because before they allowed holland to spend they didnt make playoffs and where called the dead wings. The Redwings bought all their cups and spent crazy money to get them with star players over and over and yzerman should be kissing the bottom of Hollands boots for that or his name would of never made it on a cup! Darren is all over stevie nuts because he uses him as a prop for games so he can still make a little money here and there. The yzerplan is a joke!

  18. If you want an honest unbiased take or critique on Yzerman you won't find it here. These guys are now bordering on delusional.

    Stevie Y is god and can do no wrong. 😂

    They really believe they are a playoff team with Talbot. 🤡

    Yeah that 40% on the Yzerplan…how about you guys address that 60% who aren't on board….oh wait that would mean you guys would give an honest critique on Yzerman. Take the beer goggles off and be realistic.

    We were told be patient….it's been 5 years to build up and get all this cap space…we waited for 5 years to get to yesterday and it was more patch work and bandaids and we got worse! Lol hilarious these boobs at woodward are butthurt over more and more of the fan base running out of patience…sorry this use to be hockey town and we're sick of the playoff droubt and especially the last two years of this team CHOKING down the stretch blowing 9 point leads to miss the playoffs…we were the only top 10 scoring team who missed the playoffs this year…we have no D or a goalie and lets also address how a lot of free agents DON'T want to come here…geee i wonder what factors those are…Yzerman and his ways are definitely one of them…stop blindly defending him like he's still our fucking captain it's embarrassing.

    The Yzerplan sucks but on this network if you don't just fall in line then you aren't a real fan according to these clowns 😂

    I'll gladly eat crowe if this roster as it is currently makes the playoffs but i highly doubt it since even OTTAWA just got better than the wings hell just about everyone in the Atlantic got better yesterday minus buffalo but hell we can't even beat them hardly and when it's mattered they spank us!

    Lol this franchise has falken hard and I'll just say it.. Yzerman got way too much credit in Tampa Bay…am i allowed to say that about the almighty lord and savior Saint Stevie Y? 😂😂


  19. He didn't get 1 marquee free agent at a time when we desperately need to make the playoffs. Betting on the kids usually means you take a step back. You can't take step backs in year 6. It's year 6 of the rebuild. Makes no sense. Totally delusional on here. Do you think the rest of the east didn't get better? You can't go back to last year because the EAST GOT BETTER. If you're stagnant you're getting worse. Ottawa will be better, Buffalo will be better, Montreal will be better, Jersey will be better. There were guys out there: Marcheassault, Lyubshuskin and Chychrun. Their d is stagnant at best. Their offense got worse losing Perron and Ghost. Maybe there is a trade out there but who is it? I trusted Yzerman for years and it's been a massive disappointment outside of getting Kane and drafting Seider and Raymond.

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