@Kraken de Seattle

Le calendrier 2024-25 du Kraken est publié

Le calendrier 2024-25 du Kraken est publié



  1. SiccSemperTyrannis

    Source – [https://www.nhl.com/kraken/news/2024-25-kraken-schedule-announced](https://www.nhl.com/kraken/news/2024-25-kraken-schedule-announced)

    For those wondering –

    >single game tickets will go on sale after Labor Day.

    edit: here’s a list of the games from ECH [https://x.com/EmeraldCityHky/status/1808171234125046163](https://x.com/EmeraldCityHky/status/1808171234125046163)


    edit 2 – red/blue line breakdown, thanks /u/LiqdPT


    [24-25_RedBlue_FullSeason_WithPreseason_Printable (nhle.com)](https://media.d3.nhle.com/image/private/t_document/prd/tcisczmpraooypealesc.pdf)

  2. rexfloyd94

    Caught them in Philly last year, might try to go see them in Newark and DC next, gotta expand my list of seen teams.

  3. AdhesiveMuffin

    Oh damn wasn’t expecting the schedule release today, hell yeah!!

  4. Thirsty-Octopus

    NHL really putting the season opener at 1:30 on a Tuesday… wtf

  5. Icy-Book2999

    Nice to see that we can close with a home stand this year….

  6. sandwich-attack

    we open AND close at home! woo

    also, no 7 game road trips this year, woo again

  7. SoloGhosts512

    I’ll definitely be there in Dallas to see them play October 13

  8. AdhesiveMuffin

    11 back-to-back pairs of games, which I believe is a few more than we had last year.

  9. I’ll finally be able to go see them play when they come to Minnesota in October. Beyond excited right now.

  10. basedmartyr

    Dang only once in Anaheim this year? They play the Kings twice in LA. I wonder how the scheduling works out

  11. cfbird31

    Anyone know what the red line/blue line breakdown is?

  12. RogueStudio

    Home opener is my b-day (maybe I should spend it at Lord Stanley’s in Spokane hmmmm)!

    Little surprised BOS home matchup got bumped up to December, now I gotta do some PTO math in my head as past years it was *after* my balances got reset lol

  13. intenso85

    If any season ticket holders can’t make the home opener at 1:30 on a Tuesday I’ll take em.

  14. sweettalk1989

    Any ideas when they announce the giveaways?

  15. TripleBicepsBumber

    Finally, a season that isn’t starting or ending with back to back Vegas games. Thank goodness lol

  16. NaranjaEclipse

    Gonna try and go out West for the Flyers game, make it a family trip

  17. jholden23

    Thanks for this.

    Good good of the 14% of the week that Tuesday is, we again have a higher than average number of games on Tuesday night (21%) when I can never, ever watch or listen. Every year.

  18. this_is_unseemly

    Praise cheeses, I can go to final two games against the Blackhawks where the boys hopefully continue the tradition of absolutely shellacking Chicago twice after losing the first time.

  19. kxtxlynn

    I’m saying this now, if I’m unable to go on the Dunner giveaway night, I will do anything to get whatever item they give 😅

    Definitely gonna try to go and maybe catch a few games all in one trip esp since I’ll be coming from Florida

  20. ryanwsu18

    As a Kraken fan living in Sacramento, I very much appreciate the Friday day game in San Jose.

  21. Olbaidon

    We’re taking care of some extra debt this year so I will likely only be attending one game unless we have some sort of weird unexpected windfall lol.

    Debating if we want to go early on in the season, or hold off til March-ish

  22. keithj0nes

    As someone who likes to fly into Seattle for the first few home opening games, this home opener schedule sucks lol.

  23. Distinct_Mud_2673

    You know, I think I’m going to have a cold on October 8th

  24. futuregoalie

    Okay if Driedger makes the NHL out of camp this season he may be here on Dec 10th. I better not have a final exam that day 🥺

  25. Hoping to take a trip to see them out in Vegas this year

  26. Multi_21_Seb_RBR

    Kinda want to do a NYC trip first week of December and watch at least one of the Isles and Devils games and the Rangers game

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