@Ducks d'Anaheim

Dumoulin est un canard

De @AnaheimDucks sur X



  1. underway86

    I foresaw this. And by I foresaw this – I mean he’s on my Chel franchise mode Ducks team.

  2. Re-signing Vaakanainen seems weird now. Even if Zellweger continues to play his off side like he did for stretches last season we still have Minty, Fowler, Lacombe, and Vaaks on the left. I wonder if there is something in the works to trade one of those four.

    edit: This guy would be a good Luneau pairing I think though, that is if the plan is for Tristan to play with the team next season.

  3. Solid defensive defenseman right there! Don’t need more offensive defenseman so this is great.

  4. I like this add. Didn’t give up much and adds some veteran depth on our backend to help with the development of our young core. Brian is also a two time Stanley Cup Champion with Pittsburgh, and focuses on his defensive game. « Big, puck-moving defenseman » – Ron Francis.

  5. stuchapin

    This seems like a bargin Bob pickup if ive ever seen one.

  6. hockeyforthehomeless

    He shoots left. So I don’t see the reasoning.

  7. IReviewDiscord

    Chugging along to the cap floor one piece at a time

  8. You got my favorite player! I may have [one or two](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/196y1yy) game-worn jerseys of his (where do you guys sell yours, anyway?)

    So, let me tell you about the guy.

    Incredibly underrated for many years. For my money, one of the best, maybe THE best, LHD for around 3 yrs during the Pens Cup runs. I’m not sure they win the Cup against Nashville without him…most people forget that Letang was injured that entire run, and Dumo was the #1 defenseman.

    Is he that guy anymore? Sadly, no. The Blues fucked his ankle in 2019 and he’s never quite been the same in terms of foot speed (not to mention, he is now 32). So he should not be on your top pair, although he *can* fill in there in a limited capacity. If you are looking to make him your 2nd or 3rd pair guy who is an excellent PK’er, you will be happy with him. He is also a veteran that seems to enjoy mentoring younger guys.

    He is *not* an offensive threat. In fact, I rarely see dudes in the NHL with less offensive skill and presence. But what he does well is pair with an offensive guy and give him the space he needs to do his thing, with the understanding that someone will be back to cover if things go wrong.

    He ended up the Kraken’s second best « value » contract on the team last year (price vs performance). That said, much like many new defensemen to a new team, it did take him some time to find his footing. Taking a peek at analytics will show a very slow start to the season last year, but as soon as the new year hit he was rock solid, often in the top 3 for skater scores.

    If you can pair him with a fast, young offensive guy, you’ll see the most value out of him. He is still excellent at preventing zone entries but he needs a partner quick enough to do the puck retrieval once it’s dumped and get it out of the zone. He can play his off-side if needed, and did so quite a bit last year paired with Ryker Evans.

    Looking forward to watching the Ducks all year as my new second team!

  9. O_Bahrey

    Hey, the guy’s a 2 time cup winner. If the ducks ever make it back to the ploffs he’ll have some experience.

  10. IndividualHelpful820

    We all set now. Going to go out some money on us winning it all this year.

    Wait why we not the favorite? They stupid or something?
    Freeeee $$$$$$

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