@Blues de Saint-Louis

Buchnevich prolonge son contrat de 6 ans | St. Louis Blues

Buchnevich prolonge son contrat de 6 ans | St. Louis Blues



  1. BrockCompetENT

    Couldn’t smash that upvote fast or hard enough

  2. 100% deserved. He’s been underpaid for a while.

  3. Andylivesandbreathes


  4. minorthreat21

    6 years is WAYYYY better than 8 and less than Thomas and Kyrou I will TAKE.

  5. reenactment

    Wow. 6 years what a perfect deal. I’m super surprised we didn’t get strapped to 7 or 8. Super deserving. I think he was a 7 or 8 year by 7-7.5. I’ll take 8 for 6 any day of the week.

  6. NotTheRocketman

    Awesome deal. Not too long or too much.

  7. ThatguyfromBaltimore

    Head for the mountains of Buchhhhhhhhh!

  8. dixie12oz

    Honestly probably the best deal possible. Good move. 

  9. SaltyBarker

    Its great and all but holy fuck stop giving out NMC Army.. its because of NMC/NTC we are stuck in this « retool ».

  10. That dumbass Strickland put out it’s a no move. From what was said on ESPN 101 it’s a no trade not a no move.

  11. martinomj24

    Too bad it didn’t start this year, but nice job locking up a top six forward at a fair price. One of the best players in the league, for sure. Should age well as he’ll be 33 or 34 when we’re really good again.

  12. weesna123

    Perfectly happy with this, love Buch. St Louis must always have a darling Russian.

  13. mistermeowsers

    I’m really looking forward to six more years of Buch cellies!

  14. Blues0038

    To long! Could have got a younger player!

  15. FartTootman

    Now just waiting for that one guy to come in here and try to gaslight everyone into believing Army fucked this up terribly.

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