@Rangers de New York

Tu me manques, Magnet Man

Tu me manques, Magnet Man



  1. mc78644n

    Hindsight is 20/20 but man our top six would’ve been unstoppable if we had kept Captain Happy

  2. JPmoneyman

    It’s setting up to be one of the biggest what if’s in Recent Rangers history. Imagine if we keep Buch and spend all of those assets we burned to try and bring in a RW1 on other needs. We probably have a cup by this point.

  3. Besides Trochek, Drury seems like a pretty bad GM

  4. OweDoyle

    On paper, I get that Buch would be the missing 1RW we all need. 

    I still feel the ultimate reason that he got shipped out was the car accident with him and Igor that caused Igor to miss significant time. Also why I can’t imagine ownership would allow him back even through a favorable trade. 

  5. Diceeeeeee

    Likely never get Laf if we keep buch. Trade grading wise though that was an F.

  6. TransientDreamer

    When is this sub going to get over this?

  7. HereticsSpork

    People need to move past this already.

    Also, the return we got always seemed like the sort of return you get when a player asks to be traded so there is a very real possibility that Buch didn’t want to be here.

  8. raspygatsby

    He just got extended 8 years, 64 million by the blues

  9. sayankees

    Who is to say that he becomes the player his is now without being on STL?

    NYR has a fairly strong history these days of trading away folks who break out elsewhere.

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