@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Heddy a faim d’une autre tasse

Heddy a faim d’une autre tasse



  1. OGHamToast

    Well that’s an energizing statement, especially after yesterday’s news. His other comments about not wanting to take the captaincy are a touch disappointing though.

    I can understand if he doesn’t want to jump right into Stammer’s shoes but I sure wanted to buy another Hedman jersey with a « C » on it instead of an « A »

  2. Chad2Badd

    Please, hockey gods, give our core guys one last cup run in Tampa 🙏

  3. Remigius13

    We want the Cup, give up the Cup

    We want the Cup, gotta have that Cup

  4. Immediate_Type9114

    Wish Stammer the best in Nashville. Really hate to see him go. But gotta look forward now. Heddy I’m sure will wear the C whenever they announce the new captain. Was honestly worried about Hedman depending on what happened with Stammer but glad he stayed.

    We have what looks to be a really solid team shaping up. And I’m sure JBB isn’t done.

  5. HockeyRules9186

    Have not seen anyone mention this since the Stammer debacle yesterday.
    There has been only ONE player SUPER STAR who was signed before his contract expired who was on his 4th Contract. That was no one else EVER till today Hedman became the 2nd.

    Think about that and from my perspective Kopitar is D first top 15 face off guy all time.

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