@Oilers d'Edmonton

RAW | Adam Henrique 07.02.24

Adam parle avec les médias via Zoom de sa décision de re-signer avec les Oilers d’Edmonton.


  1. Oilers are looking good, once the deals are done for Broberg and Hollaway they will have some depth! Not sure how they will deal with the cap as it looks like they are way over the cap now but again great depth! I really like the make up of this team, funny that its almost all Canadians or Sweeds' on the team

  2. It made my night when I saw that he signed, I was very hopeful but you never know! Your the man Adam

  3. Welcome, Adam and family! Was hoping for days that you'd resign. You are a great player and wow, this interview shows what a great person you are as well! So happy you resigned.
    Can't wait for the season to start!!! This may be the longest 2 months of my life 😂

  4. remember your silly Trudeau loving nation has a sky high income tax rate

    He would have made mountains more in Florida, nashville and anywhere in the US south.

    he wanted to win and is a GOOD guy

  5. He fits the team very well, his style of play will make him successful over the entire season and hopefully into the playoffs.

  6. Looking forward to a full season of Rico ngl. He had some shifts on Connor's line, it gives a couple of different looks if they decide to go back to that part time, he can swap assignments with Nuge.

  7. Why is Mark Spector allowed to even ask a question here? This is really insulting to the Edmonton fanbase. It's very clear that the players and the city of Edmonton can't stand this guy. If Sportnet loves this waste of skin so much, then move him back out East, where we'll never see him again. He's garbage and whoever is letting him continue to get airtime on our media is garbage and probably needs to go back to flipping burgers!!!!!

  8. That was the icing on the cake yesterday – after all the signings we got over the course of the day, we even have Rico signing a new contract. So we get to see some more 3rd line magic. between Brownie, Jani and Rico – soooo looking forward to October 9th and the puck dropping again! LFG OILERS 🔥🔥🔥

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