@Jets de Winnipeg

JETS DE WINNIPEG : L’histoire est écrite ! Les Jets de Winnipeg, 7e choix au repêchage de 2011

La foule a ensuite éclaté de joie lorsque le nom Jets a été dévoilé officiellement pour la nouvelle franchise de Winnipeg. Des milliers de fans qui regardaient depuis le Centre MTS de Winnipeg ont également rugi leur approbation. Leur choix, Mark Scheifele, a marqué 75 points, dont 22 buts en 66 matchs pour les Colts la saison dernière. Scheifele est un centre talentueux, mais il a été une petite surprise au septième rang. Il avait été projeté entre 12 et 15. Dans une étrange symétrie, la dernière fois qu’une équipe de Winnipeg a eu un choix de première ronde, c’était en 1995, lorsque les anciens Jets ont sélectionné Shane Doan, également au septième rang.


  1. i won't lie.. when Mark announced the name i almost cried at the mts centre haha, almost crying again watching it

  2. The reason why Cheveldayoff was booed was because he said that they were in Minneapolis, when in fact the Xcel Energy Center is in St. Paul.

  3. @KillEmAll83 congats, man i cant say that enough to peggers. welcome back to the leauge, as a browns fan i know your pain and now ecstasy. from a die hard jackets fan i look foward to playing ya this year. go jets go.

  4. it just puts a feeling of joy inside me every time i hear "winnipeg jets" and it makes me proud to be a winnipegger now that we have them back and that they are using the jets name… just waiting for them to announce the logo and colours 🙂

  5. Quebec City's next….Phoenix is on the clock….tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock….

    Soon as Quebec has its ducks in a row the Yotes will be on their way to Quebec City, of that, I have no doubt. Bettman's hockey in the sun belt vanity project is this close to going up in smoke.

    Karma's a bitch, Bettman.

  6. @broseph354 maybe, but I think this SEattle talk is overrated. Their Arena is horrible and there are no plans to build a new one, there is no credible potential ownership, and the fanbase there isn't that demanding. It could work in 10 years, but they're not getting a team anytime soon. Quebec is in final stages of making a deal finalized to build a new state-of-the-art arena, "Quebecor" is a strong candidate for an ownership group, and the fanbase there is ecstatic. Quebec is next, no doubt

  7. @iliketherangersalot2 Agree. Don Cherry himself has said that Quebec City's going to get a team and when Don predicts something you can damn well take it to the bank.

  8. @TheTbrewer77 No way, all they need is a new building, they play in freaking NYC for heaven's sake they just play in a dump of a building.

    Now Phoenix on the other hand….

  9. I knew your name sounded familiar, your the guy who posted a few videos from the Metallica Concert on Thanksgiving, and now years later from looking up that video, I realize, that you are that same person uploading another thing I am passionate about.

  10. @TheTbrewer77 If Uniondale promises to give them an arena, then no they shouldn't move the islanders to Canada, but if they don't then the league should move a team.

  11. @TheTbrewer77 Screw that, lets get rid of the Panthers and get the Nordics back, and send the Hurricanes to Hartford.

  12. @Hiei2k7 NO! NOT THE ISLES! The only acceptable move for the Isles would be to Brooklyn or Queens – no further than that! 🙁

  13. Yes it was awesome to hear the team being named the "JETS". He is still scoring at a torrid pace in the OHL.

  14. You already have the Rangers, don't need to keep the Isles – they're an embarrassment to NYC. Ship them to Hamilton.

  15. marthy995 We booed because he said we were in Minneapolis.  XCel Energy Center is in St. Paul. 🙂

  16. He said Minneapolis, because in Canada nobody really calls the Twin Cities, the Twin Cities, they usually just say Minneapolis.

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