@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Des mouvements énormes arrivent… Les rapports sur l’agence libre des Leafs s’intensifient | Agence libre en direct

Nick Gosse et Darius Domingues analysent les rumeurs et les rapports récents sur l’agence libre et discutent des mouvements qui pourraient être à venir pour les Maple Leafs de Toronto alors que l’agence libre commence officiellement. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour avoir accès aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_EUKCfhWZLk0dX4XxQaZIA/join


  1. Ufa it's like a big auction highest bidder wins and and overpaying players and giving long term plzyer good 3 yrs and teams don't care like leafs want to win know need to win soon after 3 or 4 yrs team to old to win😮

  2. Trading marner. The media really needs to stop with that BS. The leafs do some stupid stuff yes…trading marner will only give cap space your going to use on lesser players. You will not get value in moving marner. It will hurt the team. Leafs will get their cap relief when the waste of 11 mill for tavares. What doesnt work? The fact that marner leads the leafs in playoff points. 2nd in season points only to mathews. Would a constant degrading 11 mill 3rd line center not be a detriment to the team?

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