@Canucks de Vancouver

[Paterson] 2 juillet. Un fan crie « frappe au filet » aux espoirs des Canucks à l’UBC.

[Paterson] 2 juillet. Un fan crie « frappe au filet » aux espoirs des Canucks à l’UBC.



  1. ClassicChrisstopher

    Fan offseason training has started. Need to be ready for October.

  2. Illustrious_West_976

    SHOOOT, put the ball in the basket!!

  3. Ok_Artichoke_2804

    Lol 😅 well, young prospects, welcome to Vancouver Canucks, officially now. 

    Very passionate fan base. So passionate, some think they know more then coaches & players. They’ll tell you to shoot, pass or you need to be traded. 😂

  4. N4ZZY2020

    This is what being in a mad hockey market is all about. Hockey is 24/7/365. The offseason **is hockey season**. Let’s go.

  5. Canucker22

    It is not the worst suggestion a fan could give…

  6. MrGraaavy


    I had a “few” to the start the day.

  7. bwoah07_gp2

    * »And this drill will test your endurance against your average Vancouver hockey fan. When you play they will demand the world from you. »*

  8. Captain_JT_Miller

    LMAO how do we have so much class?

  9. eexxiitt

    Good practice. As the FO said, you grow when placed in uncomfortable situations. If you can’t handle a single fan yelling at you to hit the net, you’re not gonna survive an arena or the fans on social media yelling at you to hit the net.

  10. Could be a fan, or it could be a staff plant so they can practice with that sort of stuff going on. There have been multiple posts about how themes for the camp are challenging themselves, focusing, being uncomfortable, etc. Better to learn how to tune out that kind of crowd noise now than waiting until it’s happening in a game.

  11. 5StarSpudPeeler


  12. rymantheterrible

    Did it work, though? Did it help??

  13. jsseven777

    My whatever the opposite of favourite is when at the games people will yell SHOOOOT when the guy is along the boards 3/4 of the way to the blue line and on his backhand, with somebody aggressively forechecking him.

    Like FFS I want them to shoot as much as the next guy but how about we at least do it on our forehand from that distance / position…

  14. WolfOfPort


    *Throws stuff on ice*

    “All part of the drills boys its how you respond from

  15. SnooOnions5029

    Do people who say this expect the professional hockey player to stop what they’re doing and think “hmmm… hit the net? I’ve never tried that. Thanks bro i’ll try hitting the net next time, maybe even try to get it past the goalie while I’m at it!”

  16. HDXHayes

    At least we’re consistent if nothing else.

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